
Meet the ″weed″, which, when dried, cures a lot of ailments

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Thyme has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. And all because of its amazing properties.

It helps the body  fight  viruses, boosts immunity, starts detoxification processes, and reduces inflammation.

Not only the dried plant itself is useful, but also its essential oil, which has antiseptic properties.

Most often, the plant is used to treat respiratory diseases - coughs, flu, colds, runny nose. It makes breathing easier and relieves swelling.


The essential oil has expectorant properties and is great for coughing. In addition, it is often added to inhalations and gargles. But the dosage should be very small, since the oil is highly concentrated.

Thyme is also an excellent remedy for autumn blues. Thanks to its strong aroma, it helps to cope with fatigue, poor concentration.

Due to its excellent antiseptic properties, thyme is used for diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems.

And hot lotions with thyme relieve muscle pain, are indicated for gout, radiculitis, arthritis.

In addition, its strong aroma repels insects, so thyme oil aromatherapy is good for more than just your emotional state.

It is impossible not to mention the wonderful taste that thyme gives to dishes.  If you have never used this spice, we suggest cooking champignons  in a creamy sauce with thyme. This is delicious!

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