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The smell of old age. With age, personal hygiene rules should change.

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The house of grandparents is remembered by grandchildren with the aroma of pies, strawberry jam ... But time passes, grandchildren grow up, and grandfather and grandmother grow old. And now in their house - completely different smells, unpleasant.

For those over sixty, hygiene needs to be given increased attention. Unfortunately, many old people do not like to wash very much. And there is an explanation for this. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, the secretion of fatty lubrication decreases. Because of this, the skin becomes dry and very sensitive, so washing often brings discomfort. In addition, soap and water washes away the protective lipid film from the skin, so after the bath it becomes tight and painful.

Many older people (especially often men) develop ichthyosis - increased peeling of the skin, as well as senile itching, usually in the genital area and anus.

The smell of old age. With age, personal hygiene rules should change hygiene, health, advice, old age

But still, you should not forget about hygiene.
It's just that water procedures should be carried out differently than in youth: It is better to refuse a bath, replacing it with a shower.
It is enough to take a shower every other day, because over the years the sweat glands are no longer so active. For washing, you should not use soap, but gel-creams with a neutral pH - they retain the lipid layer. Moreover, with these means it is enough to wash only the folds of the arms and legs, the folds of the skin and the genitals. The rest of the body is easy enough to wash with water. After the water procedure, be sure to carefully wipe the skin, blotting it, especially in the places of the folds of the arms and legs.
If the skin is too dry, it is necessary to lubricate it with a moisturizer or body lotion (any cosmetics for dry sensitive skin is suitable). Bathtubs for the elderly should be equipped with handrails, at the bottom - a rubber mat that prevents slipping.
A compromise option is a sitz bath or shower. Water should not be either hot or too cool, so as not to injure the skin of an elderly person.
Washing with warm water should be done daily, as well as after each stool.
To avoid itching of the genitals, you should wear only cotton or linen underwear and change it daily, avoid overheating the body during sleep, exclude spicy dishes and smoked meats from food. If it is difficult to take a shower, you can wipe the body with sanitary napkins soaked in natural emollient and anti-inflammatory extracts (baby wipes are suitable).
It also does not hurt to use intimate hygiene products (deodorants, toilet water), but they should be applied only to clean and dried skin. To cope with the problem of increased dryness of the skin, it is important for older people not only to properly care for it, but also to take B vitamins (found in meat, cereals) and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. However, to select their dose, you need to consult a doctor, because for the body of an older person, both a deficiency and an excess of these substances are dangerous.

The smell of old age. With age, personal hygiene rules should change hygiene, health, advice, old age

Taking care of your two

Bad smell from the feet often occurs in young people, but if an elderly person neglects hygiene, then his socks, naturally, will not be fragrant with roses. Proper care of this part of the body for the elderly is of particular importance. Neglecting foot hygiene can lead to discomfort and pain, and in more serious cases, the inability to walk without assistance.

The main risk is fungal infections.
To prevent them, you need to thoroughly wash and dry your feet daily. It is recommended to use talc or powder to treat the interdigital spaces, as well as a foot cream to prevent drying of the skin and the appearance of difficult-to-heal cracks. People with excessive sweating should give up synthetics and wear shoes, socks, tights made from natural materials. To reduce sweating twice a day for 15 minutes, you should lower your legs into a warm solution of strong brewed tea or a decoction of oak bark. To eliminate unpleasant odors, you can wash your feet 3-4 times a week in warm water with a weak solution of vinegar (1 teaspoon of 3% vinegar per 2 liters of water).

It is difficult for the elderly to cut their toenails on their own, family members should help in this. This is a very important matter, because improper cutting of nails can lead to their ingrowth into the skin.

The smell of old age. With age, personal hygiene rules should change hygiene, health, advice, old age

Home, beloved home

Not only the body, but also everything that surrounds an elderly person can smell unpleasant: old trash, things that have not been ventilated for a long time, house dust, which, by the way, is largely formed from dead skin particles. Horny scales are rejected and get stuck in the folds of clothes in older people, settle on bedspreads and upholstered furniture, clog into the pile of carpets. Since it is difficult for the elderly to clean themselves (especially to carry out wet cleaning), as well as to frequently change, wash and iron their clothes and bed linen, a stagnant smell appears in the house. Cleaning duties should be taken over by younger relatives.

To flavor the room, it is better to use not air fresheners, but aromatic essences of essential oils, oriental incense. In cabinets, you can place sachets with herbs, pieces of aromatic soap, cut citrus skins.

The smell of old age. With age, personal hygiene rules should change hygiene, health, advice, old age

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