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Would you like to help a mother of many children? Who gave birth and did not think that they needed to be provided

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For the umpteenth time, I come across a tearful story in the news feed about a single mother with many children who needs financial assistance. The names in the stories are different, but the essence is the same: 3-5 children, the husband ran away, they don’t take work, because the children, and in general there is no time to work, because the children. There are no relatives with money, so help kind people!

I read this, swore at the topic of female stupidity and arrogance, and suddenly heard from my acquaintances standing next to me that I was cruel, because as a woman she must understand a poor mother, and men are goats.

zadolbalo! No, really, why should I feel sorry for and financially help a stupid woman who has learned to reproduce, but has not learned to think and earn money for her wishes (in this case, for children)? Was she forced to give birth in such numbers? She did not understand how much money is needed to maintain such a horde of children? Oh, yes, she had a husband. That is, she got married, and you can multiply in unlimited quantities, because the husband must support his children?

Has anyone asked your husband if he wants so many children? Can he hold that much? The wife does not know how much the spouse earns and is this enough for everyone? Well, let's say she accidentally got pregnant, it happens that she didn't plan to, but is it so difficult to sit down and discuss the next replenishment with her husband? Are you against abortion because God gave children? So why should someone else feed your children, and not you and God? Husband, so bad, ran away? So you planned everything without him.

By the way, why don't many mothers consider in advance the option of losing their husband for various reasons? There is always the possibility of being left alone with the children, what are you going to do then?

The husband also participated in the conception, and he should help? If you have not agreed in advance whether you want children or not, or if your husband is against condoms, control your body yourself - there are pills, spirals. But it seems that it’s just convenient for you to be married and multiply under this sauce, hanging the provision of children on anyone but yourself.

Reproduce wisely and don't ask for financial help! No one wants to take away from their children for the sake of your stupidity.

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Comments: 1

  1. Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house.
    An abomination that has not brought any benefit to the country for a penny, calls itself the "middle class".
    Childfree nonhumans live in clover.
    And the Mothers, who in Rus' have always been put on a par with the Mother of God, have now become “rogue” and “ovulyashki”.
    But soon everything will change.
    Mothers will be the HIGHEST WEALTH members of society.
    And childfree will go to RESERVATIONS - why spend public resources on NON-HUMANS.

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