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Boil a banana, drink this water before bed and see what happens!

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1_resultThis is not an experiment, and this is not a recommendation from Bear Grylls. That's all! I have tried to eliminate these two concerns. But if you are paranoid and sure that this will lead to irreversible consequences, then this article is not for you.

"Crazy" didn't even start cleaning it.

2_resultThe amount of stress in our lives leads to us not being able to relax properly and this leads to insomnia.3_result Banana contains a high amount of magnesium, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on sleep.

4_resultWe also need cinnamon, which controls blood sugar levels. 5_result So, all we need to do is prepare a dish using these two ingredients. Here's the recipe:
6_result Ingredients: 1 fresh banana (with peel), small pot of water, a little cinnamon (optional).

Step 1: Remove both ends of the banana (top and tail)

Step 2: Dip the banana in a pot of water. If it is mineral water, or purified, so much the better. Boil it for about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Add some cinnamon. You can add a little stevia for sweetness if you like. Stevia also helps stabilize blood sugar levels. That's how great bananas can be.


Bananas will help you sleep like a baby. 8_result So try this way. Boil a banana and drink water - you will have amazingly healthy sleep.

Also remember to consult with your healthcare professional before consuming!

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