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“Exercise for weight loss in a week by 5 kg” or why believe such texts

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Hello dear readers. Today my article is not about home workouts, but about texts that I sometimes see here on Zen. Since I myself write about how I lost weight after 40 years (I used calorie counting for my purpose (I simply ate little), home exercises, occasionally did body wraps and massage with a dry brush, that is, I had a set of measures), then in my feed often there are articles about weight loss.


And what surprised me was the many articles that promise to lose 3-5 kg ​​or more in just a week if you do just one exercise. It would be nice if these were just texts, I am more surprised by comments, for example, such as: “I will try to do it, I will write the result in a week”, “I have already started to do it”, etc.

I understand, I want to believe that one exercise or drink can get rid of fat on the stomach, back, sides, but in reality it does not work. It will not work to lose weight in a week by a large number of kg only thanks to one exercise, all the more it will not work to remove fat locally. I personally studied the information myself, looked for studies that were aimed specifically at studying local weight loss. As a result, there is only one conclusion: during training, fat “burns out” almost evenly throughout the body, in one particular area, fat cannot be removed by training.

I myself write texts with exercises, share my methods of maintaining a figure, but I want to say that all the exercises that I describe work only if you eat “right”, do not go overboard with calories.

Yes, you can lose weight even if you just go on a diet, but with age, it is the complex that works better: diet + physical. activity . I remember when I was not 30 years old, it cost me a day to eat nothing and in the morning my scales showed 1 kg less. Now this does not work anymore, even with a meager diet, weight is reduced very slowly.

Therefore, dear girls and women, I want to disappoint you that there is no magic "pills" that allows you to lose weight "without doing anything." But if you approach weight loss in a complex way, then there will be weight loss. This is an example of a bunch of my friends - women, whose age is well over 50.

Probably, not everyone will like this publication, because we all want to believe that a beautiful figure can be obtained very easily. But after all, we do not become full in a week. In a week, you can become 1-2 kg lighter, but only due to the removal of water from the body. But she will also return quickly. Therefore, I advise you to approach weight loss wisely.

Nice figure for you!


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