
Universal dressing for many dishes. She is always in my fridge.

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Universal dressing for many dishes. She is always in my fridge.

This is a MUST in my fridge!

Versatile dressing for many dishes!

Most often I cook Korean salads with it. But I also add it to soups, sauces, marinades for meat and fish.

This preparation saves time, and dishes with it turn out delicious!

Recipe: • Garlic - 7-8 teeth. • Coriander peas (Kamis) - 1 tsp. • Ground black pepper (Kamis) - 1 tsp. • Hot red pepper (Kamis) - 2 tsp. • Paprika - 2 tbsp. • Sugar - 1 tbsp. • Salt - 1 tbsp. • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

*** For 800-900 g of vegetables - 1 tsp. such a filling!

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