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Mom was breastfeeding her baby on the bus. When the driver made this announcement, she couldn't believe her ears...

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Breastfeeding is a very sensitive topic. No one argues that this is an absolutely natural process, but when a baby throws a tantrum in a crowded place because of hunger, his mother faces a difficult choice: feed the baby, embarrassing others, or observe the norms of decency, sacrificing the well-being of the child.

Because of this, serious disputes flare up from time to time, and a recent incident that occurred in Hamburg has become a real apotheosis of the absurd.


On one of the routes, a mother with a baby in a sling rode in a city bus. At some point, the baby got hungry and started crying. To calm the baby, the mother began to breastfeed him.


Suddenly, at the nearest stop, the driver made a message that shocked everyone. He delivered an ultimatum: either all passengers must leave the cabin while the mother feeds the child, or the woman with the baby must go out and wait for the next bus!


Mom was breastfeeding her baby on the bus. When the driver made this announcement, she couldn't believe her ears...


Despite the protests of passengers, the driver remained adamant and refused to move until his demands were met. Some of the passengers had already left the cabin, but then my mother herself could not stand it and got off the bus ...


This case gave rise to a new wave of controversy. Someone is outraged by the actions of the driver, someone, on the contrary, blames the mother for everything. And what is your opinion on this matter? Share your thoughts in the comments or discuss what happened with your friends.

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  1. What outrageous stupidity. The driver has mental problems. The picturesque masterpieces of nursing Madonnas do not bother anyone, people have admired for centuries, and then suddenly the driver is a “highly moralist” ... yes, he is a maniac ...

  2. But the mother should also have a small coverlet on such an account to hide the baby and breasts from prying eyes. When I fed mine, I always did it, why would anyone stare at me.

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