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Coffee face mask with a strong rejuvenating effect

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The recipe for this wonderful coffee mask was shared with me by a friend who has been collecting all kinds of beauty recipes for almost her entire life.

This one was written down in her useful piggy bank notebook, which she kept from school, was repeatedly tested by her whole family, girlfriends, and colleagues.

And, finally, he came to me, to the pages of this blog, and now he will come to you

And it's not just a coffee face mask.

This is a whole anti-aging procedure with an amazing effect.

Every woman who cares about herself and her appearance should try it.

Personally, this recipe struck me with its name "Coffee Silk".

As well as its composition, which includes such interesting ingredients as ground coffee, cocoa, cinnamon, quail eggs and honey.

As a result, your skin will look like you just got back from vacation.

It will acquire a healthy color (if it is dark, then a tan shade is possible), swelling will go away, wrinkles will smooth out, skin turgor (its elasticity) will increase, skin roughness, post-acne, spots, etc. will become less noticeable.

So, the mask comes out:

1. Ground coffee

I have never used it as part of masks, before I only made scrubs with coffee grounds. But it turns out that coffee is part of more beauty treatments.

Due to the presence of caffeine, coffee is able to increase blood circulation even in the deep layers of the skin, tone it, remove toxins from it, as well as restore its lipid metabolism and regenerate the skin, activating metabolism at the cellular level.

Coffee contains polyphenols, which have a positive effect on fibroblasts. They synthesize collagen and elastin, therefore coffee has a lifting and rejuvenating effect.

2. Cocoa

Due to its chemical composition, cocoa can be an extremely useful ingredient in cosmetic face masks.

It contains a number of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants that help improve complexion, narrow skin pores and restore a healthy, natural tone to it.

3. Cinnamon

It is a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient. If you have problematic skin, be sure to add a small amount of cinnamon to your face masks.

4. Quail eggs

Quail egg masks are the beauty secret of Japanese geishas. The composition of these eggs includes the amino acid tyrosine, which allows you to maintain a healthy complexion.

Melatonin promotes cell rejuvenation, lecithin is able to relieve puffiness, penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and smooth wrinkles, tone the skin.

Quail eggs also contain vitamin A, B vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, which are responsible for the youth and good condition of our skin and hair.

5. Honey

Honey for the skin is a very effective moisturizer.

It retains moisture for a long time, making our skin radiant, soft and supple.

This allows the skin to breathe. Honey is also an excellent antiseptic and antioxidant.

By combining all these components together, we multiply their action and get an excellent result.

Recipe for coffee face mask.

Take :

  • 3 tablespoons of finely ground coffee, the one used for brewing in a Turk. Instant coffee will not work;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder without additives;
  • 3 quail eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of warm raw honey;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


  1. Mix coffee and cocoa.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and add them to the dry mixture, knead everything very thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. Add warm honey to the resulting mixture and continue to mix it all until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  4. You should have a thick mixture.

How to apply coffee face mask?

  1. The finished anti-aging coffee mask should be applied to cleansed facial skin.
  2. You need to do this in layers, gradually applying one layer on top of another, without rubbing it into the skin and avoiding the area around the eyes.
  3. Let the mask dry.
  4. After that, soften the hardened mixture with a damp cotton pad and rinse your face with warm water.

In order to appreciate this mask at its true worth, it must be done once a week. The total number of such procedures should be at least seven, that is, we choose one day a week, for example, Saturday, and make this rejuvenating mask. We repeat the course of these masks twice a year.

Contraindications to the use of a coffee face mask

Damage to the skin, very sensitive, thin skin, pronounced rosacea, allergy to coffee or mask components, herpes in the acute stage

Try to make such a mask at least once and you will definitely want to repeat it.


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