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TOP 9 natural oils that will save you from wrinkles

Unfortunately, time does not affect the skin in the best way, and this is seriously upsetting for many women. It is difficult to find a person who would wait for the appearance of wrinkles or age spots, but at home they are quite difficult to prevent. However, there is an effective remedy that will help your skin to keep freshness and youth for as long as possible. We are talking about natural oils that you can find in almost any pharmacy. Which of them should be given special attention?

1. Almond

Almonds have many useful substances that can benefit the whole body and the skin in particular. Almond oil contains a lot of unsaturated fats and proteins that have a nourishing effect on the skin. Also, do not forget about the benefits of calcium, magnesium and other substances. Women who use this oil often note not only the smoothing of wrinkles, but also a slight skin lightening effect. Indispensable for aging skin.

2. Jojoba

Many do not know what jojoba looks like, and this is not surprising, because the plant is distributed primarily in the deserts of North America. It secretes an oil that is unique in its composition. The acids inherent in it have a positive effect on cellular metabolism and are distinguished by a regenerating effect. It also contains collagen, as close as possible to that produced by the human body.

3. Castor

Often this oil is purchased by women who want to strengthen eyelashes or hair, but it also has another excellent property: nourishing the skin around the eyes. It contains a lot of quickly digestible acids, and unlike other oils, it does not leave a greasy film on the skin.

4. Olive

Perhaps it is difficult to find a tool more universal. It is indispensable for both internal and external use. This oil belongs to the base, which means that it can be enriched with other components, added to your favorite face cream.

5. Rosehip

It has long been known that rosehip oil contains a lot of various fatty acids, most of which enhance the protective functions of the skin. In addition, the oil contains vitamin A, which resists age-related changes, and vitamin C, which protects the epidermis from free radicals.

6. Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil contains substances that restore the fat balance in the skin. After using the oil, the skin becomes nourished, but not greasy. In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory components. The effect of rejuvenation is achieved thanks to fruit acids. In addition, with the help of oil you can even out skin tone, relieve irritation.

7. Linen

Flaxseed oil has a significant difference from other oils - first of all, we are talking about the presence of proteins in it. Due to this, the tool has a rejuvenating effect. If you use it systematically, you will notice a lifting effect. This is especially useful for women who want to "tighten" the oval of the face.

8. Coconut

Most women use this oil as an effective tool for nourishing and strengthening hair, but its positive qualities do not end there. It contains a sufficient amount of acids, which help to achieve the effect of rejuvenation. In turn, thiamine helps to eliminate rashes. The scope of coconut oil is quite extensive. Many women use it instead of sunscreen, noting that it perfectly protects the skin and prevents burns.

9. Peach

The product has a rich vitamin composition, due to which the skin becomes softer and more hydrated. Surely, you have heard the words: “Skin like a peach” more than once. With this oil, you can easily achieve this effect if you switch to its systematic use.

Each of these oils has its undoubted advantages, and it is up to you to decide which one is best for your skin. Experiment and find the best option for yourself. Women who have oily skin types are often afraid to use this remedy, believing that this will only exacerbate the problem. In fact, this is a myth that you yourself can quickly debunk.


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