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“Who would have thought that my father-in-laws would turn out to be such rednecks!” - my friend was indignant, whom I accidentally met yesterday in Mega and invited to sit over a cup of coffee, and at the same time relax after shopping. She recently got married for the second time, and again somehow everything is not with her, thank God.
- And why didn't they please you? I asked.
“They live in a treshka not far from the center, and they also have two one-room apartments that they rent out.
- Amazing! And what's the problem? I ask.
- Well, how! They have two huts free, but they didn't even offer us to move there. They know that we live in a rented apartment, - the friend answered.
— And the father-in-laws work?
- No. They are both retired.
- Well, if they do not work, then they live on money from rented apartments. Or do they have to give you an apartment to the detriment of themselves? I ask my friend.
They have two apartments. One could be handed over, and the second one could be given to us. Is it really a pity for your own son? - my friend bent her line. She had no idea what she was wrong about.
Unfortunately, in our area it is not uncommon for adults to try to share what has nothing to do with them at all. Either the Soviet upbringing affects, or just their own laziness and unfulfillment are manifested in this way.
“They have,” means “they must.”
The very idea that you need to spend money on a rented apartment when there is ready-made housing nearby seems absurd. But for some reason, it doesn’t occur to such people that those who have housing (in this case, father-in-law) worked hard and hard for this, which means they have the right to reap the fruits of their labor and not share with anyone.
Probably, they will then bequeath these apartments to their grandchildren, because this is also worth a lot. In the meantime, why don't they live for their own pleasure, without plowing in and not counting pension pennies? They deserve it.
And trying to snatch what little they have from retired parents is, in my opinion, ordinary disgusting.