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Nothing can be baked under mayonnaise - you will get poisoned (and a recipe for mayonnaise sauce to replace)

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The popularity of meat "in French" in our country is such that, to be honest and frank:

- Dear comrades, you cook and eat not only disgusting, but also poison!

…Then hundreds of housewives will march against me to show their mastery of the noble martial art style 'Flying Rolling Pin'.

But what am I, I'm nothing! I, my dear friends and not friends, wanted to remind you that special sauces are used for baked dishes, at best sour cream, but not mayonnaise.

Why is that? Well, let's at least remember what it is made from: oil, egg yolks, vinegar. In the industrial, not yolks, but egg powder, and a bunch of all sorts of useful dirty tricks such as stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives.

All this is turned into an emulsion, which simply exfoliates from heating. Everything that contains protein - in one direction, oil - in the other, acidic water - in the third. As a result, we get something where the main product - the same meat, floats in some unimaginable amount of fat.

- It's delicious and nutritious! - they will object to me.

Well, as for gluttony, it’s hard to disagree, especially since few people will be able to eat such meat without bread. As for the taste, I highly doubt it. Here, for starters, it is worth remembering the type (one type of such an amount of fat is already repulsive), and also the composition of the dish.

It has been written many times that all these emulsifiers and thickeners can become dangerous when heated. I am not a chemist and will not go into details - how, or even retell them. Because I don't know how to use formulas.

It is enough for me that a dish baked with mayonnaise smells disgustingly of hot vinegar. Consequently, it immediately loses almost all organoleptic attractiveness and completely loses the taste of the original product.

Do you need it?

If you want to bake something with sauce, then take sour cream (it’s not a fact that it won’t curdle, but it’s still better) or cook a classic bechamel.

We take:

Milk - 250 ml;

Butter - 25-35 gr.;

Flour - 25 gr.;

Ground pepper - to taste;

Salt - to taste.


We warm the milk to room temperature, melt the butter in a separate bowl. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour, when it acquires a golden hue, pour in the milk with constant stirring and add the butter. At the final stage, salt and pepper. Seems easy, right?

This sauce will never stratify and will behave perfectly when baked!


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