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I married her for show.
I needed a wife for a free life and I took this step. We lived alone in a big house. I did not come home on time, most often I returned in the morning. She called me because she was afraid to be alone. I came home and yelled at her, after which, I again went to my parties. It's been 2 months since our wedding, I found out that I would be a father.
She was not particularly happy about this news, and who would want her child's father to be such an idiot. She often arranged a beautiful dinner, cooked everything that I love, bought me gifts, tried to draw my attention to herself, but I was unapproachable. Why do I need her, I thought, when life can be beautiful without her? So our days passed, my cries, her tears, my breakdowns, her silence. She never said anything to me in response, only cried. I specially corresponded with the girls in front of her, showed the gifts that I gave them. I enjoyed my carefree life. And now, today, almost 4 o'clock in the morning, and she still does not call. I think, thank God, she reconciled, but at the same time, deep down, it worried me. It's already 5, then 6, there's not even a text message from her. I returned home, and she was not there, damn it, what an idiot I am, she went to her parents for 3 days in the afternoon, I remembered. The second day, the house is quiet, no smell of her food, no cute gift from her on my nightstand, no call, no text.
I missed it, I missed it wildly, but I didn't want to realize it. I called her and started yelling at her again, why didn't she call, why was she gone for so long, to wash my things and honor the house. She only replied that she would come tonight. To pass the time before her arrival, I went out. I was sucked in and I sat up to 3 in my company, only then I remembered her, I looked at the phone, it turned out that it was discharged.
I came home, she was sitting at the door and she was in tears. That night, I spoke to her more calmly, and she answered me, smiling through her tears. We talked with her until morning. As the days passed, I realized that now I was flying home, that I didn’t want anything but her smile.