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All about red dots on the body

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Finding red dots on our own body, only a few of us take such a discovery seriously. And they do it in vain! Such formations may indicate the presence of diseases that require prompt intervention.


Reasons for the formation of red dots

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may include various factors. Both external and internal. So:

  • Red dots on the body may be the result of injuries received by the skin during shaving, epilation, etc.;
  • Also, the cause of their formation may be a deficiency of vitamins of groups "C" and "K". Their deficiency leads to fragility of capillaries and blood vessels. Any mechanical injury, even the most minor, will lead to the formation of red dots.

Other reasons include:

  • Diseases of the pancreas;
  • Rheumatic diseases.

Varieties of red dots on the body

First of all, it is worth noting that formations can vary in diameter. Their types:

  • capillary hemangioma. Such a formation indicates the expansion of capillaries located in the face and body of a person;
  • Tricky hemangioma. This formation is characterized by the appearance of several large cavities that are filled with blood. If the hemangioma is convex, then it is called a branched hemangioma.

The nuances of treatment

So, red dots on the body are found. You, as a decent person who values ​​your health, went to the doctor and found out the cause of the formations. Further:

  • If the cause lies in diseases of the digestive system, then it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and receive recommendations from a gastroenterologist. Most likely, treatment measures will be as follows - diet, analgesics and enzyme-suppressing drugs;
  • If the cause lies in rheumatism, then, after a thorough examination, you will be prescribed various anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetic drugs, etc.

To get rid of the defect, you will certainly have to consult a doctor. Folk methods of influencing this kind of education did not show the expected effectiveness, so the only right way out is to contact a specialist. Be healthy and do not hesitate to visit hospitals when it is really necessary!

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