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Salt deposits on the neck affect the functioning of the whole organism.
In the cervical spine, blood vessels and nerves are concentrated
Salt deposits can lead to pinched nerves, which in turn leads to headaches, migraines, and numbness of the limbs.
In addition to massage and physical education, we recommend that you try the following compress, which is excellent at fighting salt deposits.
- potato;
- honey;
- fir oil.
Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, mix with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Then apply a compress to the neck and wrap the food with a film. For greater effect, warm your neck with a scarf.
Leave for 2 hours. After removing it, wipe the place of the compress with a damp warm cloth and grease with fir oil. You need to make such a compress for 7-10 days.
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