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1. Onion brings down the temperature
To kill the infection, you first need to cook the onion paste. To do this, boil milk and pour it on a thick slice of white bread and grate onions on it. Mash bread with onion and milk until you get a smooth paste.
The paste is ready and in order to get rid of the infection, you just have to disinfect the infected area and apply gauze with the paste and fix the bandage. With a bandage, you need to go through 2-2.5 hours. This procedure must be repeated until the infection disappears.
3. Can Stop Bleeding
Onions will help you with minor abrasions and cuts. If a failure happened to you and you hurt your finger, you just need to attach gauze to the affected area, in which a couple of pieces of onion will be wrapped. Before you can blink an eye, the bleeding will stop. To make the abrasion heal faster, repeat this procedure a few more times.
4. Medicine for burns
It's hard to believe, but the most common onion will help treat sunburn and more. To do this, you need to apply a couple of slices of this product to the wound and leave for 2 minutes. And if after that you also apply egg white to the burn site, the pain will pass and then there will be no scar.
5. Cough medicine
Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but hardly anyone would want to use it in this form. Therefore, when coughing, put a piece of onion in your ear. So the onion juice gets into the bloodstream and relieves you of an unpleasant cough.
6. Are you feeling chilly?
If you are thrown not into heat, but into cold, onions will help you cope with this. Eat one raw onion and you'll feel better in a few hours.
7. Onion will relieve pain in the ears and head
Ear pain is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but with the help of onions you can get rid of it in no time. Just put a piece of onion in your ears and it will reduce the inflammation. Well, if you suffer from a migraine, repeat this procedure before going to bed. Let the onion lie in the auricles until morning.
8. Onions Reduce Scars
Sounds like a miracle of miracles, but it's true. Surgical scars can indeed be made less visible with bulbs. Just rub it regularly on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
9. Bee Stings
If you have been bitten by an insect, apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will reduce swelling, draw out the poison and speed up the healing of the skin.