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Types of hair styling or why there are no more hairstyles with a frame

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Ever since time immemorial, creating styling, our ancestors sought to keep it as long as possible. Laces were woven into hairstyles, combs were used, and oils and clay played the role of uncomplicated styling products. What types of styling does the modern beauty industry offer - let's figure it out together.


Styling is based on the ability of hair to stretch when moistened by 55-65%, to retain its shape after drying for a short time and to change its configuration due to the action of elevated temperature. The principle has become fundamental in the definition of classification.

cold ways:

  • wave formation with a comb and fingers;
  • laying curls with fingers with further fixation with invisibility;
  • perm on papillottes and curlers;
  • hair dryer styling.

hot ways:

  • the use of flat irons and irons.

Volume creation techniques:

  • combing is whipping strands on both sides throughout the entire thickness;
  • blunting is performed on one side only and does not imply through penetration of the ridge.


Hair styling without harm - this is the name given to the cold ways of working with curls. Before we start creating our hairdressing masterpiece, it is important to understand that such methods are effective only on soft, elastic hair with an oval section.

Note! If you have bouncy and coarse hair, a cold haircut will last no more than a few hours.

Laying "Cold wave"


  1. Press a well-combed strand with the middle finger of your right hand 4 cm from the root zone.
  2. Take the comb in your left hand, insert it with frequent teeth into the strand so that it is located close to the middle finger.
  3. Moving the comb along its plane, move the strand to the right by 1.5-2 cm. Thus, you have the first wave.
  4. Without removing the comb from the strand, tilt its butt at 45 °, firmly press the hair between the wave line and the comb with your index finger.
  5. The right side of the strand is pressed with the middle finger of the right hand at the same distance. Due to this, the two wave lines will coincide with each other.
  6. The formation of the second line begins on the right side, departing from the first wave 4 cm. Pinch the hair with the fingers of the right hand, insert the teeth of the comb into the strand close to the fingers, move to the left to create the second wave.
  7. Other waves are formed in a similar way. At the end, a hairdressing net is put on the head, which will retain the shape of the styling during drying with a hairdryer.

Curler styling

Hair styling at night is most often done with the help of curlers. In order for the result to be attractive, it is important to follow the only rule - the width of the strand should not be more than the length of the curler, and the thickness is equal to the diameter.

Cold curling rules:

  1. On clean, dry hair, apply a fixing composition in the form of a foam or gel. Divide the entire mass of hair into zones - occipital, temporal and anterior.
  2. In the occipital area, separate the strand; the thin tip of the comb will help to cope with this task as quickly and conveniently as possible.
  3. Pull the strand slightly; take the curlers with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand so that the elastic is located near the palm of your hand.
  4. Holding the body, open the clamping bar, enter the separated strand.

Note! It is possible to take up the direct winding of the strand when the tip is located under the clamping bar. If this condition is met, you will exclude the possibility of a curl crease.

5. Winding continues until the curlers touch the scalp.

The vertical method is slightly different from the horizontal method. At the base of the separated strand lies a square with a side no larger than the diameter of the curler. In addition, it is important to control the direction of the toothed end, which must always be on the left.


Express - hair styling is performed using stylers - curlers and straighteners. Despite all the variety of such hairstyles, they are all created on the basis of two elements: curls and waves.

Curl shapes

Curls can be straight, simple, oblique, down, wrinkled, vertical and parallel.

  • Straight are called curls that are located horizontally. If the laying consists of several horizontal rows, you have a parallel type.
  • Obliques are created at an angle of 45° to the horizontal or vertical.
  • Wrinkled is a symbiosis of basal waves and curls at the tips.
  • Spiral curls starting from the middle of the length of the hair are called down. To create them, the length of the hair must be at least 25 cm.

Curl "Down"

  1. Separate 1/4 from the entire mass of hair. The first curled curl is separated from the outer layer.
  2. The groove of the curling iron is placed up, and the roller is down. When grasping the strand, the working part of the tongs is turned 45 ° towards itself. This will help avoid strand breakage.
  3. The curling iron is wrapped around the axis and fixed in this position. Time is determined by the power of the styler and the type of hair.
  4. In order for the hot curl not to unwind, it is fixed with a clamp and left to cool completely.

Note! All the curls in the first row should be located on the same horizontal line, and the curls in the second row should be below them.

Curl "Up"

Curling up differs from the previous method in only a few points. The main condition is the location of the styler with the groove down. When gripping the strand, the curling iron is rotated so that the roller is placed at the base of the strand, and the groove is on the outside.

In the process of curling, the hair is turned up one turn of the styler, and then the curl is worked out, while simultaneously pulling.

Method "Eight"

Such easy hair styling is suitable only for those who have a curl length of at least 20 cm.

  1. Before direct curling, the strands are carefully combed until the teeth of the comb pass unhindered to the very tips.
  2. A styler is brought to the separated strand, with the groove up. Grab the hair and turn it 45° towards you. Immediately make a full turn with the curling iron, stopping it so that the roller is directed towards the base of the strand.
  3. While turning the tongs with your right hand, bring the ends of your hair down with your left hand, making a figure eight. If at the first turn of the curling iron, the hair, wrapping around it, was on the left, then at the second, they will be on the right. Each new turn will change the position of the hair, placing them either to the right or to the left relative to the strand.

Advice! This curling method can be done by holding the curling iron vertically and twisting the hair in a spiral.


Innovative styling techniques allow you to style curls in any hairstyle, it can be styling hair on one side, back in the form of a mohawk. This diversity gave impetus to the creation of another classification.

All styling is divided into front, concentrated, reverse and acentral.

Front type . Strands from the temporal and occipital regions are laid towards the face on the crown region. Such styling will be quite attractive, subject to the presence of long hair.

Reverse type . The hair of the anterior and temporal zones is combed back. It is fair to say that such styling is the most common, since it is undemanding to the length of the hair and easy to do with your own hands.

concentrated type . In such styling, the strands are combed up to the crown. Suitable for those who have a haircut with long hair in the occipital region.

Falling (acentral) type . No less popular than reverse styling due to its simplicity and versatility. The hair is combed in the direction of its growth.

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