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An exercise that will help tighten the upper eyelid and look 15 years younger

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Visiting "Food and Figure" is a doctor, Ph.D. facial rejuvenation Julia Manischenkova. Julia assures that you can look 15 years younger. She will tell you how to tighten your eyelids at home without surgery, Botox and injections, spending only 5 minutes a day on it.

Yulia Manishchenkova is a doctor, candidate of medical sciences, lecturer at the Medical University, the creator of the author's method of gymnastics for facial rejuvenation.

What is the essence of the technique

All classical methods of non-surgical lifting are divided into dynamic and static. By performing dynamic exercises, you change the length of the muscle (it is important to do everything right, otherwise you can harm yourself). Static exercises do not change the length of the muscle. The advantage of the second group is that even if you do the exercises incorrectly, you will not harm yourself (it cannot be that you pulled your face up by 1 cm on the right and 2 cm on the left).

Julia's technique is based on isometric contractions - this is when the muscles contract, but do not change their length. Isometric loading is performed in a static position.

How it works

The effectiveness of these exercises is based on the fact that the condition of the skin is determined not only by the skin, but also by the muscles. With age, they weaken, lose their tone - the skin ages and sags. Our task is to restore muscle tone.

The muscle consists of many thin fibers - myofibrils. During the exercise, the fibers become thicker, modify their structure and push wrinkles outward.

What age to start

Everything is very individual, but it is believed that the aging process starts at about 25 years of age.

However, among the causes of wrinkles, habits are not the last. Pay attention to how you take off your makeup. Or maybe you bite your lip, squint, or wrinkle your nose. When muscles spasm for a long time, wrinkles form. You need to learn to control your face, learn to relax it. If there is one of the above habits, gymnastics is indicated at an earlier age.

Why do eyelids sag with age?

The first reason is the force of gravity, which gets worse with age.

The second is the natural aging processes: a decrease in moisture in the skin, a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, a decrease in tone

The eyelid is a thin muscular plate, covered with skin on top. A droopy eyelid is more often a female problem because we put on makeup and then wipe it off every night (well, if we do it right). We stretch the plate of the century - over time, it gathers in a fold.

In no case should you rub the skin when removing makeup, you need to gently wipe it with cotton pads.

When the eyelid is lifted with the help of plastic surgery, an extra piece of muscle is cut out, then sutured.

Exercises are aimed at increasing the muscle in cross section. When it becomes a little thicker and contracts, it tightens the skin.

Of course, the effect does not come in one day, but if you do the exercises daily 5 times a week, then by the end of the 2-3rd week you will feel a visible result.

A short-term effect can be seen immediately after exercise. It lasts from 15 minutes to two hours, then everything returns to its place. This is due to the fact that the muscle entered the tone and fell into place. But there are also biochemical processes, and it takes several weeks to restructure them.

A good, visible result occurs after one and a half to two months of regular exercise.

Is 43 too late?

It's not too late even at 70. Of course, the skin will not become like that of a twenty-year-old girl, because with age it is not so supple, but if you add external care and inner desire, then there will definitely be a result, even at 70.

Does this mean that if I start taking care of myself earlier, my wrinkles will appear later?

Prevention is everything. And this applies not only to wrinkles. Prevention is always better, but this does not mean that if the problem is already there, you need to give up on yourself. You may not remove all wrinkles, but improve the condition of your face by 50-70%.

The complex of gymnastics for the facial muscles  consists of 20 exercises for various muscle groups, but at the age of 25 they do not need to be performed all. To keep your muscles in a normal tone, 2-3 exercises 2-3 times a week are enough.

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications are general. You can not engage in the active phase of inflammatory processes, during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, when you feel unwell, at a high temperature. The main contraindication is infectious lesions on the skin, abundant acne. But again, here you need to understand that some exercises can be done, and some are better not, so as not to spread the infection.

You should not perform these exercises for people who have subjected their face to surgical intervention: they did plastic surgery, implanted gold threads (mesotherapy does not apply here). Such interventions violate the anatomical structure of the face, the muscles no longer work like that and the exercises will not work.

How to tighten eyelids at home in 5 minutes a day

This exercise is best done when you are without makeup. You can do it in the evening before going to bed or in the morning immediately after washing and applying the cream to the area around the eyes.

Lock the elbow so that it does not hang. Close your eyelid, as if you are sleeping, put three or four fingers under the eyebrow.

With the muscles of the forehead, move the eyebrow down, and with your fingers - the eyebrow up. This exercise should be done for 5 minutes in 5 sets.

The folds on the skin that appeared after the exercise will go away after two minutes. If this does not happen, it means that the skin is not sufficiently hydrated. Make a moisturizing mask.

Exercise should be done immediately on two eyes. Make sure that the eyebrows do not converge to the center.

Exercise should be performed 5 days a week for 5 minutes in 5 sets for two months. Then - prophylactically 2-3 times a week.

The side effect of doing it wrong is the lack of effect.


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