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Unique folk recipe! It turns out that stroke is afraid of pine cones!

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This unique folk remedy has proven itself as a prevention of stroke, blockage of arteries and blood vessels. In addition, it can be used by patients who have had a stroke as an adjunct to the main therapy. Take care of your health today. The recipe for health is here...

Stroke is an acute violation of cerebral circulation, which is accompanied by structural changes in the brain.
The outcome of the disease depends on the speed and quality of medical care provided. Stroke often results in death or permanent disability. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of the consequences of a stroke is of great importance. In folk medicine, for these purposes, a tincture of mature pine cones in alcohol or vodka with the addition of homemade vinegar is used.

Before use, a doctor's consultation is required!

How to cook?

Crush 5 mature pine cones and pour 250 ml of 70% alcohol or high-quality vodka. Infuse at room temperature for 10 days. Then strain and add 1 teaspoon of homemade apple cider vinegar (or grape).

Take this tincture every day before going to bed by adding 1 teaspoon to a glass of your favorite tea. The main thing is that it should not be strong. It is good if you add natural honey to it.

This remedy is used to thin the blood, it cleanses the vessels of the brain, prevents and blocks the death of nerve cells, helps to restore coordination of movements and speech.

The course of treatment with this medicine is quite long, about six months. And remember: this tool is an auxiliary! In no case do not refuse the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Stroke is too common in today's society among people over the age of 35. Therefore, we recommend taking care of your health today. Be healthy.

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