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Today, someone Svetlana wrote in a comment under my article: “Why does everyone say that weight loss suits do not burn fat and are even harmful? Alina Kabaeva lost weight like this: she put on almost two warm tracksuits and worked out in them up to 7 sweat. Ballerinas also lose weight by wrapping themselves be healthy. For some reason, the pros use all the bad advice, while the townsfolk are pushing something completely different. ”
I read the comments of my favorite subscribers, and try to satisfy their requests! I’ll tell you honestly that in 1994, when I started playing sports and was a 19-year-old fat belly without a hint of muscle, everyone wore such belts!
Running training in a bolognese suit was also very popular. Around the huge Republican stadium in Kyiv, pot-bellied men ran with an important look, wearing a woolen suit and wrapping themselves in cellophane from the top. "Connoisseurs" looked at them and importantly said to each other: "Look, he is losing weight!"
Why, I myself, at the dawn of my sports career, tried to get rid of a fat belly with the help of a film. I wrapped my stomach with everything I could find, put on a sports suit on top and ran 5, 10, and sometimes 15 kilometers! As a result, I have not lost an ounce of weight.
In principle, exercising did not help me lose fat at all until I began to understand nutrition for burning fat.
What happens to a person who trains wrapped in a film or simply wearing thick and warm clothes:
When performing aerobic or anaerobic exercise, the body begins to generate (produce) more heat.
· Overheating is dangerous to human health, and the brain signals the sweat glands to produce more moisture to lower body temperature.
· Warm clothes or films trap heat and the body does not get the desired cooling, trying to cool down, it releases more and more sweat in desperation.
We get dehydrated and overheated. This can lead to increased pressure, hypertensive crisis, as well as various diseases as a result of dehydration.
· With sweat we lose 0% of fat, our sweat contains water and minerals, does not contain even a small fraction of fat.
There is no direct correlation between sweat loss and calorie expenditure in training, as intensity and perspiration are not directly related.
· After a workout, you feel very thirsty and drink water, so all the liquid driven away with such torment returns to the body again!
Dehydration is the loss of fluids and trace elements from our body. Losing water, we will get a breakdown, we will feel thirsty, impotence, cravings for sweets, an unpleasant smell will appear from our mouth, our mood will become depressed.
The advanced stages of dehydration can bring you to a mental breakdown, cause a severe headache, and injury is possible during a regular workout with a small load. Scientists have found that severe dehydration in runners leads to kidney failure. Maintaining optimal fluid balance during training is essential for both performance and health!
Myth: “If you don’t drink for 2 hours (or more) after a workout, then you burn fat effectively!”
I swear, I did just that, on the advice of a friend and a very plump girl. Every minute without water after a long run seemed like torture to me! But I endured, and endured, until I realized that there was no result at all. Today at 45, I can burn fat 100 times more efficiently than at 19. Therefore, I never run, especially wrapped in a film.
To accelerate lipolytic processes, you do not need to run or sweat. I don't actually sweat at all because between sets I try to rest for 4-5 minutes or more. I use strength training not for weight loss, but to maintain muscle mass during it.
My fat burning records:
With virtually no muscle loss, with control on stationary devices in the laboratory, this is 14 kg in 14 days and 21 kg in 30 days. And this without a single drop of sweat! An athlete needs running for completely different purposes.