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A sagging belly is a problem that occurs in women after childbirth, sudden weight loss and malnutrition. However, this trouble can be eliminated if you make some efforts, because there are a huge number of ways to do this. To achieve the most effective result, it is recommended to play sports. Regularly doing special physical exercises, you can get rid of 6-8 extra centimeters at the waist per month and tighten the skin of the abdomen.
What is recommended to do:
1. Do fitness - while focusing on the abdominal muscles. The following exercises will help you with this:
- inhale with your stomach, while sticking out the abdominal wall, exhale for a count of five and, holding your breath for three seconds, pull your stomach in as much as possible. Repeat this process several times.
- kneeling down, you need to rest your palms on the floor and, inhaling with your nose, draw in your stomach and arch your back, while lowering your head down. Hold this position for eight seconds, then exhale and relax completely. This exercise should be repeated at least three times.
- lie flat on your back, place your hands behind your head, bend your legs so that your feet are on the floor. Start lifting your body so that you can reach your opposite knee with your elbow. Repeat this as many times as you can.
- lie on the floor, spread your knees in different directions as wide as possible, and put your feet under them. The palms should lie along the body. In this position, you need to completely relax for a while, closing your eyes. You can dream, think about the pleasant.
2. Do aerobics - do evening or morning runs in the fresh air, ride a bike, jump rope, dance. All this will help speed up the metabolism in the body and contribute to the rapid burning of body fat.
3. Swim in the pool. This will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as increase the tone and elasticity of the skin.
4. Spin the hula hoop with massage and magnetic balls that will destroy fat cells.
Remember that there will be no immediate effect. It will take several months of intensive training to get rid of a sagging belly. But do not exhaust yourself - alternate sports with outdoor activities, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.