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Like any home flower, spathiphyllum is a pleasure to admire when it blooms. To see these beautiful white or milky "palms", you need to provide the flower with the right care.
Flower Women's happiness is a plant, in general, unpretentious, the main thing is to provide it with the right conditions for humidity, temperature and balance of light and shade, periodically monitor its condition. Moreover, spathiphyllum loves standard conditions, in which a person lives well.
Is it necessary and when is it better to transplant a flower Women's happiness?
The flower is transplanted once a year - in the spring. The soil for spathiphyllum should be chosen slightly acidic, and the pot should not be very spacious, even a little cramped is better, so that the roots entwine the soil well. The bottom of the pot must be provided with good drainage.
During the flowering period, from spring to autumn, the flower is fed with mineral fertilizers. Well, and not the last moment - the aura in your home and the attitude towards the flower. After all, energy for plants is very important. And for such a symbolic flower as "women's happiness" - even more so. Talk to him when you water, surround him with care, and he will return everything to you a hundredfold.
Home care
The flower "Women's happiness" comes from the tropics. This means that he needs to create conditions close to his relatives.
Temperature. The most suitable temperature regime is from 18 to 25 degrees, that is, the average comfortable temperature. If the flower is on your windowsill, make sure that in winter it does not freeze there, and that the temperature does not fall below 15 degrees. Protect the flower from drafts.
Lighting. The plant does not like direct sunlight, but it will also not be able to grow normally in the shade.
So the best option would be diffused light, partial shade. It is best to place the flower on a windowsill located in the southwest or east side. And so that direct sunlight does not injure the delicate spathiphyllum, tighten the lower part of the window with a film.
Watering. Spathiphyllum loves a humid climate, but this does not mean that the flower needs to be watered too abundantly. For irrigation, we use water at room temperature, which has settled for 12 hours. To provide the plant with that same native, humid microclimate, you can add moss to the pan or pour sand - this way you can retain moisture. And the flower also needs to be regularly sprayed with warm water. Only during the flowering period, try not to get water on the cob.
Another nuance for the flowering period is regular and frequent watering.
But make sure that the soil in the pot dries out between waterings. The ground on the surface of the pot can serve as a guide for the frequency of watering. If it is dry, and a little deeper - 2-3 cm deep - slightly moist, then the flower can be watered. So, to summarize - what the flower "women's happiness" does not like.
Protect spathiphyllum from:
● Sharp temperature difference
● Dry air, hot air from heaters or radiators, and drafts
● Direct sunlight
● Too low (below 15) or high (above 26) temperature
● Excessively plentiful or vice versa - insufficient watering
● From improper care, the flower does not just stop blooming, it stops developing, and its leaves curl and change color.
Flower "Women's happiness". Leaves turn yellow
If you find that the leaves on the spathiphyllum have begun to turn yellow at the edges, this is a sure sign of improper watering. And the flower of female happiness turns yellow from lack of moisture. Pay attention to the frequency of watering and make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, especially during flowering and growth.
Blackening of flowers in spathiphyllum
Another possible problem is the blackening of the leaves. The reason for this is exactly the opposite of the previous problem. That is, blackening is caused by excessively abundant watering. Another reason for black leaves in spathiphyllum is burns from direct sunlight. Pay attention to lighting.
I suggest watching a video about this amazing flower.