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Tips to help you wash your hair less often.

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Beautiful and healthy hair is very important for many of us. I mean, we see commercials for the latest Pantene shampoo or Herbal Essence all the time. These companies tell us that if we buy their shampoos, we will have healthy and beautiful hair. But let's figure it out, because very often it just doesn't work.

These companies often dictate to us that the more often we wash our hair, the better and more well-groomed it looks. But is it really so? I mean, you can find a lot of information about the dangers and benefits of washing your hair frequently. But often we simply do not have enough time and desire to wash our hair every day. Useful tips written below will help you reduce the frequency of washing your hair.

1. You can reduce fat if you stick to the right diet. Just remove any sweet, fried foods, sodas and fast food from your diet. Replace them with vegetables, dairy, lean meats, and natural foods. You will notice a huge difference in how long your hair stays clean.

2. Try to touch your hair with your hands as little as possible. The advice may seem banal, but it is true, the more often we touch our hair with our hands, the faster they become dirty.

3. When washing your hair (at the very end), rinse your hair with cool water, and if you add a little vinegar essence, they will become shiny and easier to comb.

4. Another tip to postpone washing your hair is to curl your hair on a curling iron or curlers, as a rule, they look more voluminous and clean the next day after curling.

5. The less products you use on your hair, the longer it will stay clean and therefore the longer you won't have to wash your hair. Products, especially for fine hair, can make it messier, especially if you use it incorrectly. Products such as hair oils should only be used a few times a week with small amounts applied to the ends of the hair only.

6. If you have a desire to completely get rid of industrial shampoos and you are interested in a more natural hair cleanser, try baking soda. According to various sources, the combination of one tablespoon of baking soda and warm water is very good at removing sebum from your hair, keeping your scalp and hair super clean.


I hope these tips are helpful to you! And how do you manage to wash your hair less often? Share your tips in the comments.

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