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Relieve tension in the lower back: 5 exercises for every day

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From time to time, many of us experience lower back pain at the end of the working day. The reasons can be very different: a hard working day, an uncomfortable position. Sometimes discomfort occurs after sleep. We have prepared for you a selection of exercises for every day that will help relieve tension in the lower back.

1. Exercise "Cat"

Starting position - standing on all fours. The palms are located directly under the shoulders, the knees - under the hips. Do not tilt your head up and do not stretch forward.

Squeeze your shoulder blades as far as possible and arch your back. Hold this position for a few breaths and exhalations.

Then round your back as much as possible, squeeze your buttocks, spread your shoulder blades and, as far as possible, stretch your back up. Hold this position for a few breaths and exhalations.

Repeat the exercise several times.

What does this exercise give? Warm-up of the spine, massage of the abdominal organs. Exercise is especially useful for women, as it tones the female reproductive system.

2. The Arm and Leg Stretch will help relieve tension in the lower back.

Starting position - as in the first exercise.

Raise one leg and opposite arm parallel to the floor, keeping your back straight. Stretch as much as possible in this position. Don't forget to tighten your belly. Hold this position for 5 breaths and exhalations. Do the same for the other leg and arm.

What does this exercise give? Stretching and strengthening the lower back, improving coordination.

3. Exercise "Child's Pose"

If after the first two exercises you feel tension, relax in the “child” pose. Sit with your buttocks on your heels, stretch your arms forward and lower your head to the floor. Hold for a few breaths and exhalations.

What does this exercise give? Relieves tension in the back.

4. Exercise pose "Dog face up"

Starting position - the pose of the "child". First, move the body forward, stretching out on your hands, then straighten your legs - you are in the plank. From the plank, roll your chest forward, bring your shoulder blades together, and stretch your crown to the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 breaths. Return to starting position.

What does this exercise give? Tones the pelvic area, stimulates the work of the abdominal organs.

5. Exercise "Wave"

From child's pose, stretch low over the floor forward and then raise your head as high as possible. From this position, round your back, as in the first exercise, and then return to the starting position with a round back. Perform the exercise slowly 10 times.

Then do the same exercise in reverse. From the starting position, rise up with a round back. Then, while doing push-ups, lower yourself down, arch your back, stretching your buttocks up, and return to the starting position as low as possible above the floor. Perform 10 times.

What does this exercise give? Strengthens the back, arms , legs , increases the flexibility of the spine.

Perform this set of exercises every day or at least every other day - and you can relieve tension in the lower back.


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