
A story about resentment. Here's how to teach children and yourself not to be offended ...

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Here's how to teach both children and yourself not to be offended:

Resentment, a small animal, looks completely harmless. When handled correctly, no harm is done. If you do not try to domesticate it, resentment lives well in the wild and does not touch anyone.

But all attempts to take possession of it end in failure ... This small and nimble animal can accidentally fall into the body of any person. The person immediately feels it. He becomes embarrassed.

The animal begins to shout to the man: “I accidentally got caught! Let me out! It's dark and scary here! Let go!" But humans have long forgotten how to understand the language of animals. There are those who immediately let go of resentment while it is small - this is the best way to say goodbye to it.

But there are those who do not want to let her go. They immediately call her their own and rush about with her, as with a hand-written sack. They constantly think about her, take care of her ... But she still doesn’t like it in a person.

She is spinning, looking for a way out, but since her eyesight is bad, she cannot find a way out herself. This is such an ugly animal. Yes, and a man too ... Shriveled all over, and never lets out a grudge.

And the animal is hungry, it wants to eat - so it begins to slowly eat what it finds. And the person feels it. It will hurt there, then here ... But the person does not let go of resentment. Because I'm used to it. And she eats and grows ... Finds something tasty inside a person, sucks and gnaws. So they say: "Resentment gnaws."

And in the end it grows to something in the human body and against its will becomes a part of it. A person becomes weaker, begins to fall ill, and the resentment inside continues to grow ... And the person is unaware that all that is needed is to take and let go of the insult! And she is better without a person, and a person lives easier without her ...

Moral: Resentment is a state of mind. In fact, we ourselves decide to be offended. And when once again you want to be offended, think: is it really pleasant to feel sorry for yourself? The predator always feels the weak and attacks him. It is not for nothing that people say: "They carry water for the offended." Let go of resentment, let yourself run!


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