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Women of childbearing age know firsthand what PMS . In this period preceding the premenstrual syndrome, ladies suffer not only from emotional instability, expressed in mood swings and increased irritability, but also from a constant, uncontrollable feeling of hunger, which is very difficult to satisfy. This phenomenon has a very simple physiological explanation.
After ovulation, the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle begins, during which the body tends to store nutrients, water and energy (fat) to be used to provide normal conditions for the development of the fetus during pregnancy. The natural slowdown in metabolism and reduced insulin sensitivity mean that most of the carbohydrates consumed are stored in reserve. For this reason, appetite increases, which is exacerbated by other symptoms of PMS : irritability, anxiety, insomnia. It also leads to an imbalance of melatonin and cortisol, which in turn makes the cells of the body resistant to insulin.
That is, carbohydrates are present in the blood, but they are absorbed in small quantities and very slowly. As a result, the brain does not receive enough glucose, which is its source of energy. Thus, women have a craving for sweets. From biscuits and sweets, unlike cereals and fruits that are high in complex carbohydrates, the body can get simple, instantly digestible carbohydrates that eliminate carbohydrate deficiency. But their excessive consumption can lead to undesirable consequences. Fortunately, there are effective and simple methods to control hunger.
1. Sports
Physical activity helps reduce cortisol levels (a hormone that causes stress and bad mood), removes excess fluid from the body and burns calories.
2. Diet plan
In addition to rethinking your diet (minimizing your intake of simple carbohydrates), which can be based on cereals, fruits, fiber-rich vegetables, and a little honey (these foods are slow digesting and therefore not stored in excess at the waist), the following simple rules are recommended.
- Eat often and in small amounts. The longer the break between meals, the lower the glucose level becomes, and the feeling of satiety comes much later. That is, the danger of constant overeating is great. Frequent snacking prevents the onset of severe hunger.
- Drink more water that is at a comfortable temperature.
- Include lemon in your diet before meals to reduce hunger. It can be added to tea or water.
3. Lifestyle
Disruption of carbohydrate metabolism is often caused by lack of sleep, which provokes hormonal imbalance. Therefore, during PMS , it is recommended to sleep well.
Find a source of pleasure for yourself that would successfully replace sweets. It can be a walk in the fresh air, a bath with aromatic oils, a massage, quiet music - everything that will cheer you up.
Avoid hypothermia. To restore the temperature regime, your body needs a large amount of energy, which it draws from food. Cold always stimulates hunger.
4. Vitamin D
PMS symptoms . Therefore, it is important to make sure that there is no lack of it. It can be obtained both from food products and thanks to ultraviolet rays that come into direct contact with the skin. It is important to remember that prolonged exposure to the sun without the use of sunscreen can be harmful, and the use of creams with SPF filter, it blocks the negative effects of sunlight on your skin. In the absence of sunlight, the daily course can be replenished with the help of specialized preparations.
The feeling of hunger is a natural reaction of the female body to the physiological changes that occur in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Our simple recommendations will help you control it without affecting your well-being and mood.