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These products are an invaluable help to the body. It is better to buy even a little more expensive, but high-quality and healthy products, than to eat semi-finished products and spend money on medicines.
1. Apricot
Apricots contain beta-carotene, which prevents free radicals from destroying the internal structures of the body.
2. Avocado
Oleic acid, unsaturated fats that are part of the fruit, lower cholesterol and increase the amount of high density lipoprotein.
3. Raspberry
Raspberries are rich in ellagic acid, which helps stop the growth of cancer cells. Berries also contain vitamin C.
4. Mango
A medium-sized mango contains approximately 57 mg of vitamin C, which is the required daily intake for humans. This antioxidant helps prevent arthritis and promotes wound healing and strengthens the immune system.
5. Cantaloupe
The vitamin C and beta-carotene found in melons are two very powerful antioxidants that help protect the body's cells from the damage associated with increased free radical activity.
6. Cranberry juice
Helps fight bladder infections by inhibiting bacterial growth. A cup of cranberry juice contains only 144 calories. Cranberry juice and various drinks are a strong diuretic.
7. Tomato
One of the most powerful carotenoids, lycopene, is found in tomatoes. It acts as an antioxidant. Studies show that tomatoes reduce the risk of bladder, stomach, and colon cancer by 50% if eaten every day.
8. Raisins
These small pearls are the main source of iron, helping to carry oxygen to the tissues.
9. Figs
Figs are a good source of potassium and carbohydrates, and they also contain vitamin B6, which is responsible for the production of serotonin, the "pleasure hormone"
10. Lemon
Contains limonene and vitamin C, which help prevent cancer. Lemons are very low in calories and contain no fats or carbohydrates.
11. Bow
Onions are abundant in quercetin, the most powerful flavonoid. Studies show that onions reduce the chance of developing cancer.
12. Artichokes
These, unusual at first glance, vegetables contain a considerable amount of silymarin, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of skin cancer, plus fiber controls blood cholesterol levels.
13. Wheat germ
A tablespoon contains approximately 7% of the daily required amount of magnesium, which prevents muscle cramps. Wheat is also a good source of vitamin E.
14. Lentils
Lentils (contains isoflavones (Isoflavones) - can "suppress" malignant cells and contains fiber that improves the functioning of the whole organism.
15. Shellfish (clams, mussels)
Vitamin B12 contained in these seafood supports nerve function and mental abilities, plus - these products contain iron, magnesium and potassium necessary for our body.
Be healthy!