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Eat - now you can sleep? In no case!

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At the weekend I had guests, and I personally watched my dear and beloved people try to get comfortable on the couch after dinner.

"Just don't lie down!" I yelled at them as I propped up the pillows to keep them in a sitting position.

“Come on, we are slim,” they answered. “If a little fat is tied up, we will go to the gym on Monday.”

And then I realized that it was time to write a post ...

It is absolutely impossible to lie down after dinner.

Thus, we provoke a very unpleasant thing, like a hiatal hernia. Roughly speaking, this means that the lower esophagus and upper stomach can move into the chest cavity, above the diaphragm.

The diaphragm, let me remind you, is a powerful muscular organ that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. In the most advanced cases, along with the stomach, the intestines also form a hernia.


- heartburn (reflux), belching, hiccups, vomiting,

chest pain, which can masquerade as heart disease,

- tachycardia, pain in the heart area,

- shortness of breath, cough,

blue skin after eating (cyanosis)

- dysphagia (this is when food begins to move in the opposite direction).

Very often, with a hernia of the esophageal opening, the vagus nerve is involved in the process, located in the neighborhood and masking a lot of heavy and unpleasant sensations, such as fainting, a feeling of cardiac arrest and other unpleasant conditions that greatly frighten people and worsen their quality of life.

Over the years, this hernia is getting easier, because along with aging, our cells lose their elasticity. And it can lead to unpleasant consequences up to the infringement of the stomach (and this can lead to purulent inflammation and death) and gastrointestinal bleeding.

How is a hiatal hernia treated?

I did not expect such attention to this topic. Apparently, lying down after a meal is our national sport.

If everything is not very running, and the hernia manifests itself mainly as heartburn and belching, then fractional nutrition can help.

  • It is necessary to eat not three times a day in large quantities, but in small portions every three hours.
  • It is advisable to exclude spicy and fatty foods.
  • Quit smoking (this generally improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract).
  • Many react badly to chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, citrus fruits, onions, garlic.
  • And, of course, no heavy dinner, just a light snack 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is also necessary to avoid lifting weights and doing exercises that overstrain the abdominal muscles.

And, of course, slim down to a normal weight.

There is a surgical treatment, but you do not need to bring yourself to a serious intervention. The result of the operation does not always reach the desired goal.

So if you want to lie down after dinner - just sit.


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