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Love yourself for at least a month! And your body will rejuvenate! With air, water and food, a large amount of toxins falls into our body, which settles in the form of toxins in the intestines, kidneys and other organs. Phytotherapist Alexander Andreevich Zakharchenko tells how to help the body get rid of toxins. - One outstanding physician of the 15th century, Paracelsus, was right when he confirmed: "If nature created diseases, then it also created the means for their cure, located in the area where the patient lives."
I bring to your attention collections of herbs that will gradually cleanse all your organs. At the end of the article, a full explanation of how to apply these medicinal herbs. Read carefully! And try to conduct this course of treatment. I promise you won't regret it! Lightness in the whole body, clarity of mind awaits you, the skin will be like at 17 years old. Blush will play on your cheeks! And so we read!
Let's start with the liver and gallbladder.
To do this, take the immortelle grass and calendula flowers. these two herbs, as it were, secure each other, normalize the work of the pancreas. Then we take peppermint, which expands the excretory ducts. stimulates the work of the central nervous system.
Next, we move on to cleansing the intestines.
Now let's move on to stronger herbs that will expel all evil spirits from the intestines. These are buckthorn bark, senna grass, chamomile and tansy - the strongest herb in this collection. Tansy, who does not know, can cure the most chronic stomach ulcer in two weeks.
For vessels, kidneys and urinary tract.
We take horsetail - a diuretic and blood purifier. We take a lingonberry leaf - the best remedy for removing uric acid salts, which accumulate in the muscles and joints. The next herb is goldenrod for kidney disease. The birch leaf has a diuretic effect.
The next step is cleaning the vessels.
To do this, we use St. John's wort, oregano, hawthorn flowers - he is responsible for the vessels of the brain.
Marsh cudweed is responsible for the limbs. Let us now add stinging nettle to the collection, it will not improve the composition of the blood. We now proceed to the bronchi and lungs.
In this we will be helped by elecampane grass, and tricolor violet, a series. These two herbs together are very powerful. So that radionuclides do not settle in the body, we add repyashok and a drop cap - plants of a very broad effect on the body.
Before harvest, add echinacea purpurea. Trifol and yarrow - bitterness will increase the tone of the body. Knotweed, angelica root - will improve your memory. The entire collection is completed by the most important herb olga viscous, it enhances the effect of all the listed herbs. But if you can't find it. Do not stop taking other herbs.
Now let's move on to the final stage. We take all herbs in equal proportions, fall asleep in a paper bag. And layer by layer, starting from the lower herbs, that is, from angelica, we pour layer by layer into a bag. On top of the bag should be herbs such as immortelle, calendula. I hope you understand the principle.
In the evening, take one tablespoon of the collection and pour two glasses of cool water. They stirred with a spoon and left the collection until the morning. And in the morning we put the collection on the fire and cook for literally 1-2 minutes. We insist 40 minutes, and drink during the day half a glass before meals. The course of treatment lasts about a month. Cleansing the body with herbs is the foundation of good health.
Love yourself, at least for now! And your results will exceed all your expectations!
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