
Never settle for bad coffee, bad friends, or a bad man.

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Why you shouldn't settle for bad coffee, bad friends, or a bad man.
Being indifferent is not cool. People want you to be your own everywhere, to go with the flow and accept everything as it is. Maybe in some areas of life it is necessary, but obviously not in everything.

There are areas where you should never accept mediocrity. Some things have to be fought for.

 People who don't know how to live the life they want will make you feel bad about what you're aiming for. They may call you a snob, an egotist, simply because you pursue what makes you happy.

But if you live constantly worrying about what others think of you, then you will have a very quiet and very boring life.

If the passion for life scares people away, then let them run. If your drive is too much for someone, let them go.

Your life should be a reflection of what you love the most and what makes you happy. You shouldn't be afraid to say it. If you act like you don't give a damn, then you'll get out of life what you don't care about. Everything is simple.

There are a million other things that you cannot control and that you will have to give up on. Usually it's all about other people and what they think, feel and do. You should never expect anything from others, because you can neither influence others nor change what they have done.

What you can change is what you allow in your life. You can control the standard of living the way you want to live.

So don't stay with bad friends who only use you for drinking company. Don't hang on to bad men who never keep their word and keep you waiting. And never settle for bad coffee. Better pay a couple of extra bucks, but buy yourself something really tasty.


 Life is too short to waste your energy on things that drain you. Stop being indifferent. Focus on what you can do to be happy.

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