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I want to offer my recipe for sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils.
It was given to my husband by a doctor - my husband had frequent sore throats, and the question arose of
removing the tonsils.
My husband was terribly afraid of the operation, and the recipe came in handy. Pour 5 grams of cloves (spice) into 200 g of cognac and leave for 2 weeks.
Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, drip 4 drops on each
For children, dilute the tincture with water 1: 1 and also drip 4 drops each. The course is 7 days.
Repeat as needed. Using this recipe, the whole family got rid of sore throats.
We have three children. The younger girl did not have to be treated anymore - she did not get sick.
. Usacheva N.N., Rostov region