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The author of the “Glass of Water” technique, Jose Silva, gained fame all over the world thanks to the complex of psychological trainings he developed, the main “ingredient” of which was precisely intuition.
Technique "Glass of Water" Jose Silva: Application Algorithm
Write a thoughtform on a piece of paper.
For example: “I am a very charming person. From me comes the inner light of charm, love and sex. I am a luminous being. I attract men to me. My man finds me."
Place a glass of water on this sheet.
Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot between your palms like a balloon. This is your energy. Place your palms on the sides of the glass without touching it. Speak, out loud or to yourself, consciously and with conviction, this thought-form, as far as possible imagining its meaning in your imagination. Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized.
And of course, any thought forms can be used. Compose them yourself - about what you are especially striving for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace "I attract to me ..." with "people like me" or "I have a good appearance, I look attractive, and every day I get better and better." You will be very surprised how quickly reality reacts.
The particle "not" cannot be used. The thought-form must be life-affirming. And no abstract and verbose wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and directed towards one goal. If you have several goals, then it is advisable to set only one for each glass of water. For example, today you work with one goal, tomorrow with another. Or in the morning with one, in the evening with the other.
And if the thought form is aimed at healing, then the water becomes healing - it acquires the properties of a medicine for the disease that you intend to cure, and is sent straight to the right address. The origin of holy water is similar.
A piece of paper also has its own functions.
1. Firstly, when you do not just pronounce the thought form, but write it down, it acquires additional power.
2. Secondly, even just one word pasted on a container of water charges the water with information embedded in the meaning of this word.
The clusters that form in this case can be seen under a microscope after freezing. Well-known experiments have shown that words such as "love you", "thank you", "hello" generate snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly ice cubes. Why this happens, one can only wonder. You can't call it otherwise than God's providence. Of course, the main role here is played by the intention of the person who is aware of the word when he writes and sticks it on the container.
Hand Energy
Finally, the energy of your hands amplifies and localizes the intent, causing the water to be charged quickly and effectively. The information recorded in the water will spread throughout the body and set up the morphological biofield for the radiation of a given intention. Do not worry if you do not yet feel a dense clot of energy. It doesn’t work now - it will work after a week of training. In addition, water does not necessarily have a strong effect. It is enough that you simply place the glass between your palms.
So, you own a powerful technique, where the morphological field is pumped up by hand passes. The glass of water technique is simple and does not require energy skills.