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Doctors talked about the unexpected healing properties of carrots, which many did not know about. This vegetable is not only healthy, but also low in calories, so it does not threaten the harmony of the figure. It is recommended to consume carrots both raw and cooked, since even heat treatment does not deprive the vegetable of useful characteristics.
The product is rich in beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on vision, metabolism and immunity in general. In addition, vitamin A plays a significant role in the formation of the skeleton, as well as teeth and nails. If you regularly include carrots in your diet, you can improve the condition of the skin and hair.
The vitamins contained in the vegetable bring significant benefits during pregnancy. Lean on carrots should be men with weak erections, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and constipation.
However, there are also contraindications, for example, carrot juice in large volumes creates a load on the pancreas, therefore, with diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, it is better to use the vegetable in moderation.