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Times are changing, and with them the consciousness of people. Some things that were very important 50 years ago seem completely unimportant today. But it also happens exactly the opposite. The material will tell about things that did not worry our grandmothers and great-grandmothers at all, but may become a reason for excitement and worries in the second decade of the 21st century.
1. Skip your favorite TV show
TV shows have become a part of life. / Photo:
50 years ago, TV was still considered a luxury, so the very fact of its presence and functioning made the family absolutely happy. News and weather forecasts were considered the most important programs. But even if it turned out that this or that TV release was missed, this did not make our grandparents lose heart. But the modern generation, who grew up on reality shows and all kinds of talent competitions, can be seriously upset if you didn’t manage to watch the new episode of your favorite show, since such programs have become very dense in our lives. True, representatives of the modern generation have a solution for this - to watch the coveted issue online.
2. The opinion of strangers
Click on follow, like me ... (c) / Photo:
Imagine a hypothetical scene from a science fiction film about time travel. Let's say a modern teenager travels back in time and chats with a 1970s pensioner, showing the latter his Facebook account with posted photos. The teenager boasts: “I got 200 likes!” A pensioner from the past is surprised: “Do you have so many friends?” The teenager shrugs, “No, I only know five of them personally!”
The importance of the opinions of strangers is an amazing feature of the inhabitants of the 21st century. It’s good if no one gets hurt as a result of like addiction. But cases of teenage suicides are already known due to a small number of likes and even the fading of feelings of young mothers for newborns due to the lack of a large feedback to the photo of the baby. Therefore, the attitude to likes - that is, to the opinion of little or unfamiliar people - surprisingly distinguishes our generation from previous ones.
3. How did you get in the photo
The era of selfies and social networks - a disease of society or the norm?
Half a century ago, photography was perceived as a way to capture yourself for a family album. The average family usually had only one attempt at a family photo, after which people were content with the only version that came out after development. The photo replenished the album so that family members could remember how they looked in this or that period. Now, the era of selfies is in the yard, every person has a smartphone in his pocket, which will allow you to make dozens of attempts before you get the right picture. And since it is extremely important to put it on the social network, you need to get it in the picture perfectly.
4. Caries
Golden teeth. / Photo:
Try to count the number of gold crowns in the mouths of your relatives who are over 60. The editors of are convinced that you will lose count. 50 years ago, dentistry was not developed, and trips to the dentist were equated with a voluntary entry to the scaffold. Therefore, in every second case, caries led to the extraction of a tooth. But in 2019, you can shine with a snow-white Hollywood smile, causing the envy of others, while having a modern photo filling in each tooth.
Interesting fact: the most concerned about visiting the dentist nation is the United States. But at the same time, she is also a leader in the consumption of fast food. It's really unclear why straight teeth are dozens of orders of magnitude more important than maintaining a healthy weight.
5. Loans
Window of bondage. It would be better to read Kabbalah. / Photo:
Ask your parents and grandparents what year they took out their first loan. Most likely, the answer will not exceed the threshold of the last 20 years. Half a century ago, there were hardly more than two banks in a medium-sized city. And they, of course, were state. Credit bondage was unknown to our closest ancestors, and this, of course, was their happiness. Now loans are, on the one hand, a help for any family, but on the other hand, bondage and trouble if they are treated unreasonably. The leading position among loans for absurd purposes in 2019 is occupied, of course, by a loan for summer holidays.
6. Growth of body hair
How do you like this bush? / Photo:
How do you like this charming sexy bush under the armpit of the sex symbol of past generations Sophia Loren? The culture of removing body hair in women has developed relatively recently. The hair on the legs and armpits was the first to be hit by a happy blow. A little later, care for the intimate zone replenished the cohort of mandatory body care procedures. A couple of decades ago, a gynecologist would have dubbed you a corrupt woman at the reception, even seeing the so-called Mexican depilation. Fortunately, modern gynecologists today openly declare: complete depilation of the bikini area is the only guarantee of complete hygiene.
7. Choosing Healthier Products in the Store
Healthy yogurt. / Photo:
The generation of today is the most aware of healthy eating. You no longer need to graduate from a medical university and receive a specialty of a nutritionist or gastroenterologist to be aware of the fact that sweet, salty and starchy foods deal a terrifying blow to the body. 50 years ago, people bought what was on the shelves in the local store - there was no choice. Now everyone can choose food according to their preferences and views on healthy eating.