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How I cook tender bacon, that “even with a knife smear on bread.” It's all about the brine

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I remember how I spent my childhood with my grandmother in the village - a little light, immediately household chores, a garden, and then a river and a long-awaited dinner, truly a village one. We had a bakery not far from home, and every time before meals I ran there for bread, and, since it was difficult to bring the hot fragrant “brick” to the table untouched, half the roll was simply eaten on the way home.

That part of the bread, which I did bring to the kitchen, was then cut into pieces, rubbed with garlic and tucked into both cheeks with lard. Yes, oddly enough, I have shown love for him since childhood. So the recipe, according to which I still salt lard, but not so much for myself as for my husband, “passed” after decades. In general, if you want the fat to turn out so tender that even with a knife smear on bread, write down this recipe - it has never let me down!

To do this, we only need a piece of bacon and a jar, since we will salt it in brine. For 500 g of pork raw materials, we need a liter of brine, which will consist of the following components: 1 liter of water, 5 tbsp. l. salt, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 sheets of parsley and 10 peas of black and allspice.

Salo should be good, do not be stingy in this matter, since the quality of the resulting product will also depend on the quality of the raw materials. Remember that it should be pure white in color, and the skin should give off a pleasant straw tint.

So, let's move on to the process itself - we cut the lard into convenient "stripes" so that they can easily fit in a jar, and prepare the brine. Bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat, then add all the previously listed ingredients to it. Cover with a lid and wait for the liquid to cool completely.

As soon as the brine has cooled down, pour it into a jar of bacon and send the appetizer to the refrigerator for 4 days.

After the lapse of time, we take out the pieces from the brine and dry them with a napkin, after which we wrap them with a film and store them in the freezer.

A few hours before eating, the fat must be removed from the freezer and thawed at room temperature, and before serving, for a more pronounced flavor, rub the skin with garlic. Black bread, green onions and a piece of the most delicate bacon - what could be more beautiful than such a snack?!

So, do not waste time and run for lard as soon as possible - in a few days you can treat your loved ones with real village food!


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