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How to lose 5 kilograms in a week on a buckwheat diet

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My girlfriend has always suffered from unrequited love. Her classmates had husbands and children, and she still walked in splendid isolation without a boyfriend and love. Once Alena met a guy on VKontakte. They fell in love with each other from the first message. We corresponded for a long time and dreamed of seeing each other. But Alena always refused to date. Why? The girl considered herself too full. Everyone told her that she was attractive enough and not fat. But Alena was in no hurry. As a result, after the tenth rejected proposal for a meeting, the guy began to treat his girlfriend more and more coldly. She realized that she was losing a real loved one, without even giving each other a chance on a date. Alena herself invited him and made an appointment in a week. At the same time, I decided to lose weight quickly. The buckwheat diet helped her.

Buckwheat diet: how to quickly lose weight in a week?

In seven days, you can lose 3-5 kilograms if you follow a strict diet: give up flour, sweet and fried alcohol. A buckwheat diet helped Alena lose 5 kg in a week.

  • Immediately after waking up, the girl drank a glass of cold water with lemon to activate the metabolism.
  • Half an hour later I had breakfast with buckwheat and butter.
  • For lunch, I ate a vegetable salad and some buckwheat.
  • I ate buckwheat for dinner and washed it all down with kefir in half an hour.
  • After seven in the evening the girl did not eat anything.
  • On the last day before the date, Alena did not eat anything. I drank only water and ate one glazed cheese.

The meeting went well. By the way, Alena and Pasha are now happily married and raising a little son.

Lose 5 kg in a week: pros and cons

Before resorting to such a strict diet, consult a therapist and find out if you have any contraindications. The fact is that one of my friends decided to lose weight in order to audition for a flight attendant. To remove fluid from the body, she drank only 1 liter of water a day, ate dried fruits, chicken breast, boiled vegetables. Three days later she collapsed on the subway and her diet ended.

Another friend drank kefir with cinnamon, pepper and ginger. As a result, her stomach could not stand it, severe heartburn began to torment.

I think only a nutritionist can tell you the best diet option that is right for you.

Smooth weight loss

Start counting the calories you eat. Download a program that measures your activity: steps, distances you have run or walked.

You should spend 200 calories more per day than you get.

- Eliminate flour.

- Increase your fluid intake.

- Go to the sauna.

And do not forget that any fast diet brings temporary results. To lose weight seriously and for a long time, you need not just temporarily give up some products, but change your lifestyle.


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