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Like after a massage: These 5 exercises are the best gift for your back

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For sedentary work, a tired back is not too grateful to us. Unpleasant sensations, pain, muscle clamps - there is little pleasant and posture deteriorates every day. If you don’t have time to go for a massage, but you want relaxation and vigor, 5 effective stretching exercises that can be done right in the office chair will help.

We have already tried office mini-yoga and appreciated it! After all, chair exercises are an adaptation of classic stretching exercises. We offer you to make a gift to your back. And at the end of the article you will find a bonus!

1. Butterfly Wings

Impact : cervical vertebrae, restoration of the correct position of the spine and blood flow.

Starting position : sitting on the edge of a chair, back straightened. Feet shoulder-width apart, feet fully on the floor.

In this exercise, several stretching exercises ("snake", "boat") are adapted. We throw our arms bent at the elbows behind the head, we interlock our fingers at the back of the head, we spread our elbows as wide as possible. As you inhale, open your arms and stretch your chest forward. On exhalation, we return to the starting position and arch our back, as if stretching our chest back. Feel how the muscles stretch, but do not allow pain, the sensations should only be pleasant.

Repetition : 5 times.

2. "Cat's back"

Impact : elimination of back pain, restoration of the natural position of the lumbar vertebrae.

Starting position : sitting, back straight, hands on knees.

While inhaling, we stretch the chest forward, trying to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible and straighten the shoulders. We stretch upward. As you exhale, round your back, stretching your shoulders forward as much as possible. We stretch the crown to the knees.

Repetition : 8 times.

3. "Rope"

Impact : getting rid of lumbar pain, helping in the work of the stomach and intestines.

Starting position : sitting, back straight, feet pressed to the floor.

We take a breath, and as we exhale we turn our shoulders to one side, trying to keep the torso motionless. We hold our hands behind the back of the chair and do not slouch. We linger in this position for about 30 seconds to have time to take 5 deep breaths and exhalations. We change position.

Repetition : 3 times in each direction.

4. "Ballerina"

Impact : accelerates blood after a long sitting position, stretching the lateral muscles and chest muscles.

Starting position : sitting, back straight.

With one hand, we take the seat of the chair, relax the shoulder so that it goes down. We raise the other hand up and begin to lean to the side, feeling how the muscles are stretched. We make sure that the body does not deviate forward or backward.

Repetition : 10 times for each side.

5. "Bird"

Impact : Relieving leg fatigue, stretching the muscles of the thighs and lower back.

Starting position : sitting, back straight. The ankle of one leg rests on top of the leg, but closer to the knee.

We stretch the body forward, feeling how the chest “opens up”, and trying to reach the thigh with the stomach. Make sure your back is straight. We linger in this position for about 30 seconds in order to have time to take 5 calm breaths and exhalations. We change the leg.

Repetition: 2-3 times for each leg.

Bonus: Best Lower Back Stretch

This exercise is unlikely to be done in an office environment, because its starting position is lying on your back . But it is worth remembering and trying to make at home.

Pilates trainers love it - the exercise perfectly stretches and relaxes the lower back and gluteal muscles. One of the effective body positions for reducing back pain. This stretch is the perfect ending to any workout. You can do it before bed for a pleasant relaxing sensation.

Starting position : lying on your back.

We pull both knees to the chest. We clasp the left with our hands and press it to the chest as much as possible. Only after that we straighten and lower the straight right leg. We remain in this position for 30 seconds. Bring your knees up to your chest again and switch legs.

Important : do not lower the straight leg until the other is pressed to the chest. Consistency affects the quality of the stretch.

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