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How to wash kitchen towels and remove even old stains from them. Towels will be like new!

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Kitchen towels have such a fate - they are at risk and constantly get dirty. Stains on kitchen towels appear in a variety of ways, and they are not so easy to deal with.

There are different ways to remove stains, some are good at removing greasy stains, others are stains from vegetables and fruits, and others are stains from coffee and tea. There is a completely radical method - throw out old towels and buy new ones. And if it was the new ones that immediately got dirty? What to do with them?

We offer a completely universal method that will allow you to effectively wash kitchen towels, removing stains of any origin from them.

You will need:

  • + washing powder,
  • + any ready-made stain remover
  • + vegetable oil.

1. Heat 5 liters of water to a boil.
2. Add 2 tablespoons of washing powder, stain remover and vegetable oil to the water.
3. Put kitchen towels into the solution, mix well, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.
4. After cooling completely, remove the towels and wash them in the usual way in the washing machine.

They will be like new!



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