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How to get rid of varicose veins: exercises from the doctor

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In this article, we will show you a set of exercises for varicose veins, which will improve venous outflow and strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities.


Start doing exercises with moderate loads, do not make sudden movements, everything is done smoothly and gently, if you are tired, you must definitely rest.

Consult your doctor.

As a therapeutic gymnastics, it is recommended to perform these exercises 2 times a day (morning and evening).


Exercise number 1 "Reduction"

Lie on your back, lift your legs up at an angle of 90 degrees, start working with your feet, lifting them one by one and contracting, and then stretching

If you don't have enough flexibility to keep your legs in this position, you can lean with the back of your legs and your heels against the wall.


Exercise number 2 "Raising the legs"

In the supine position, place your legs, press the sacrum and lower back tightly to the floor, feet and knees parallel to each other and hip-width apart.

Extend your right leg along the floor and stretch the toe, inhale lift your leg towards you, exhale take the foot towards you and lower it down.

Do 4-5 reps on each leg.


Exercise number 3 "Rolls"

Take a standing position, straighten your back.

Stand on half-toes, then lower your heels to the floor while lifting your fingers off the floor (i.e., we roll from half-toes to heels)

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Exercise number 4 "Vibration"

Stand comfortably, straighten your back, relax completely. And we begin to knock lightly with our heels on the floor. You should feel your body vibrate, relax as best as you can.


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