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If you suffer from pain in the legs, joints, back and neck area, then this recipe is for you!
Once upon a time, we read an article by a military doctor, in which he gave advice on how to keep the joints in order and thus get rid of many ailments. My friends and I decided to try it out for ourselves and were very pleased with the result. It's just incredible!
If you suffer from pain in the legs, joints, back and neck area, then this recipe is for you!
The recipe is as follows:
- Take 150 grams of edible gelatin (you can buy it at any store). This amount is enough for one course of treatment.
- In the evening, dilute 5 grams of gelatin with a quarter cup of cold water.
- Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse until morning.
- The gelatin will curdle and turn into jelly.
- Drink this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. You can mix it with juice, water, yogurt, kefir or any other drink.
- The course of treatment is a month. Repeat after six months.
- In this way, it is possible to restore the shell of the joints.
Since everything in our body is interconnected, the work of most organs depends on the health of the joints. For many, painkillers, which are essentially pure chemistry, are the only solution to the problem, primitive and not inspiring confidence.
Why is gelatin so good for joints?
Gelatin is a product of animal origin, which is obtained as a result of processing the connective tissue of cattle: tendons, bones, cartilage, where collagen is presented in its pure form.
Collagen improves the condition of internal fibers and small cells. It contains two amino acids: proline and hydrosiproline, which have a positive effect on connective tissue. Gelatin is able to accelerate the growth and density of connective tissue, which is very important for diseased joints.
Gelatin is a treasure trove of health benefits:
- it will strengthen your joints and heart muscle
- speed up metabolism
- improve mental activity
- Supports healthy skin
- will give elasticity and strength to tendons and ligaments
- prevent the development of osteoporosis and arthritis
- beneficial effect on the structure of hair and nails
- not replaceable for dysplasia
For many months, my spine and neck gave me rest, as my job involved sitting at a computer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. After a month of treatment, I felt better and the pain in the back area disappeared like a hand. I also keep my back healthy with the Japanese technique.