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Emily Blunt stuttered badly as a child, but how did she manage to overcome this problem?

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There are many misconceptions around the causes of stuttering these days. Some people understand the problem behind this. Surprisingly, stuttering is not only a childhood disease, many adults have this problem. Believe it or not, Emily Blunt suffered from a stutter.

Emily was bullied at school

Emily Blunt is now a successful actress with a Golden Globe Award. She has also been nominated for two BAFTA awards But 20 years ago, she could not even dream of becoming an actress, as she had one very serious problem - stuttering. According to the actress, she was even bullied at school and had few friends.

However, Emily was lucky to meet one really good teacher who saw the girl's talent despite her speech problems. He saw how Emily made funny voices and imitated other people and asked her to take part in the school play. She was very scared to speak in front of the public, but she did it anyway. Emily spoke quickly, using different voices. The teacher gave her hope that this problem could be fixed.

American Institute of Stuttering

Emily's stuttering problem still occurs from time to time. The actress comments:

“I start to stutter if I'm really tired, or when I was pregnant, it became noticeable again. I had an uncle, a cousin, a grandfather who stuttered. It has nothing to do with anxiety. It's just a kind of brain synapse that happens to people who are genetically predisposed to it."

Emily is currently working with the American Institute of Stuttering to help other people suffering from this problem. The organization offers a revolutionary method of treatment.

How to stop stuttering?

Here are some tips on how to stop stuttering if it happens to you from time to time:

1. Try to relax mentally and physically.

If you have time, a 20-minute meditation is the perfect way to relax. Try talking to yourself and explaining that stuttering is annoying, but it's not the end of the world and it's absolutely not that big of an issue for others. The problem is much less than you imagine.

2. Talk to the mirror.

Imagine that the reflection is someone else, and just talk to him about anything. Of course, this is not real human interaction, but it can give you concrete examples that you can use later. This will help you believe in yourself.

3. Read books aloud.

Basically, the more you talk, the better. Books are a great tool for this, simply because the text is already written so you don't have to make it up. Also, it can be emotional, so don't be shy and try to express emotions using your voice.

4. Practice singing.

Singing is one of the best ways to not only help you deal with your stuttering, but also to learn how to express yourself. Moreover, you will know how to breathe properly.

5. Never give up.

This may seem silly or trivial, but it is the most important piece of advice you can find. If you sincerely want to do something and solve a problem, work on yourself!

author Women's Magazine

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