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Elixir of youth - you will stop aging and rejuvenate your skin!

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Today we bring you a solution that could be called the "elixir of youth", as its ingredients allow you to improve vision, skin tone and produce a fantastic effect on the hair.


-100 ml. linseed oil

-2 medium lemons

-1 garlic clove

-½ kg of honey.

Cooking method

To begin with, we must grind a peeled garlic clove and two lemons in a blender. Add honey and linseed oil, mix everything well.

When we have a homogeneous mixture, we will put it in a tightly closed glass container and put it in the refrigerator. You should consume a spoonful of this remedy three times a day, always half an hour before meals.


The oil that comes from flax seeds is really good for our health. It is an ingredient with a high concentration of healthy fatty acids such as linoleic acid or omega-6, oleic acid or omega-3 and palmitic acid. Think flaxseed oil has twice the omega-3 content of fish.

Flax is also the richest source of antioxidants known as lignans. If we combine them with lemon, they act as liver and bile duct cleansers. Having a healthy liver is the key to health and youth.

Lemon also contains a lot of vitamin C, which has a great antioxidant capacity. It is able to activate the immune system and strengthen our blood vessels.

Garlic can cleanse our veins and arteries,

Honey has many micronutrients that improve our body as a whole.

Prepare this elixir of youth and start taking it. Soon you will notice incredible effects and you will be able to keep looking young and beautiful.

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Comments: 1

The most recent information twojebiuro.biz we have .
  1. And I take such an elixir of youth inside, although I prefer linseed oil separately, in the morning on an empty stomach. Plus, for youth and health, I go in for sports, take the Evalar antioxidant formula, collagen, rose hips and drink green tea.

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