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Recently, the 5:2 diet of the doctor and journalist Michael Mosley, the essence of which was short-term fasting, has made a splash. Five days a week, patients are allowed to stick to their normal diet, and the remaining two days to drink only water. Fasting is recommended for at least 14 hours, and in total a maximum of five thousand calories can be consumed per day.
Such a diet has its own benefits, including weight loss, low blood glucose levels, improved memory. Also short-term fasting can improve immunity.
The 5:2 Diet for Health and Slimness
Scientists from the British University (Manchester) conducted an analysis among participants in a weight loss experiment. Some patients ate according to the 5:2 regimen, others - according to standard diets with a daily food restriction. The first group lost weight much more effectively, in addition, in patients from the first group, insulin resistance improved.
This reaction of the body to short-term starvation is fully justified by evolution. Our ancestors ate when they could catch up with their prey. It didn't happen every day. Therefore, the body adapted to this diet and activated additional sources of energy for the rest of the time. The modern availability of food and everyday snacking is not natural from the point of view of evolution.
How fasting affects the brain
Scientists have long been interested in the effects of short-term fasting on the brain. It turned out that our brain feeds mainly on glucose, the source of which is carbohydrates. In the absence of these nutrients, the body begins to process fat and synthesize ketone bodies from it, which our main thinking organ takes for a second source of nutrition. According to some scientists, it is ketones that help neurons to be more resistant to damage.
Recommendations for those who are ready to try the 5:2 diet
First rule: this diet is not for everyone. People with digestive disorders should not starve. Even if you do not have any health problems, consult a doctor for advice.
If your therapist has given the go-ahead, follow these guidelines:
1. Ask your loved ones or friends to diet with you. So you will not be subject to unnecessary temptations. And friendly support will help control bouts of hunger.
2. Food, which will be half a thousand calories on a fasting day, must be carefully selected. Protein and fiber are best. Try to avoid fast carbohydrates. They will give a jump in blood sugar, which, after its decrease, will cause a strong attack of hunger.
3. On the day of fasting, avoid the kitchen and eating places, this will help to cope with the desire to eat.
4. Try to follow the diet for at least a month. Time will give a habit and it will become easier to endure the feeling of hunger. In addition, only after a month you will be able to see the effectiveness of the diet or its absence.
5. Fasting may cause side effects. For example, insomnia often occurs or digestion is disturbed. If over time the symptoms do not disappear, stop fasting and go to the doctor.