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“I am a mother and a housewife. My work is worth nothing." “My husband works, but I don’t do anything, I don’t bring money to the house, it’s a shame to ask him for help.” Girls, what are you? Are you doing nothing? Yes, you replace the whole staff!
Let's count! You are:⠀
- Housekeeper
- housekeeper manager
- Cook
- Secretary (doctor, hairdresser, etc.)
If you have children, then a plus:
- Nanny
- Driver
- baby guard
In rich houses there are also special people who are responsible for:
- Garden, vegetable garden, plants
- Animals
- elderly family members
- Wardrobe (care for expensive clothes)
- Organization of holidays
And that's not all!⠀
The work of all these people is controlled by another special person - a butler, whose salary can reach up to 200 thousand dollars a year!
In ordinary houses, all these positions + the butler are replaced by one person - the WIFE. It is you!
You work at the same time on all these jobs without days off! Although most of you have higher education. You could work in serious positions, build a career, receive salaries, go on business trips and drink coffee in the silence of the office. But you are doing all this (mostly heavy and low-skilled) work and you think that you DO NOTHING???
How things really are
Of course, your work is not appreciated and husbands! They say: “Why are you tired? I work, and you sit at home!
Yep, just sit there! Moms, how many MINUTES per day do you really manage to SIT? In general, do you get to sit down?
What the hell are you “sitting” when most women on maternity leave STAND at the stove and sink, Crawl on the floor with a child, SQUARE to the baby a hundred times a day, RUN along the street, SCRIPT to wash the toilet, and PUMP their arm muscles with motion sickness? !
“But since the husband earns more, then his contribution to household chores should be less.”
And let's calculate who really earns more?
If you add up the salaries of all the above employees, then by Moscow standards, you get about 460 thousand rubles a month. Does your husband earn more? Then let him take a housekeeper.
Go and calculate how much your invisible daily work is really worth!
According to the most minimal calculations, with one child, without animals and a butler, I got 71,500 rubles.
And you?) Appreciate yourself. Take care of yourself.