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Ten women's mistakes in the gym.

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It's time to convey some points to the girls attending the gym. Every gym has a lot of mistakes repeated over and over again. We will uncover the most common mistakes women make over and over again when lifting weights. Consider if some of these blunders are familiar to you.
#1: Doing side bends! Yes, that's right, ladies. All I can say is STOP! By doing this exercise, you achieve the exact opposite effect of what you hope to achieve. You expand your waist. Let's repeat it again. You EXPAND your waist. You can't lose fat by pumping up the muscles underneath. But leaning to the side is even more evil than over-twisting, as it makes you look wider in front. Never do this exercise! It will reduce your chances of achieving a beautiful V-shape. Think about why you are trying to expand the waist? It is unlikely that this is the image for which you are all trying. Throw sideways out of the window. Never return to this exercise throughout your life! Well, if for any reason a physical therapist tells you to do this exercise to recover from a rare injury, use it. Otherwise, forget about it. Leaning to the side is evil. Remember this!
#2: Skip post-workout protein. Again, this mistake is made by both men and women. Immediately after a good workout, when the muscles are tired, how do you think they will recover? Many gyms offer protein shakes, but it's pretty easy to make your own. And again, the body of each of us is individual, so you need to independently or with the help of a nutritionist (fitness instructor) establish the correct amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats and glutamine that you need after training.
#3: Use too much perfume! It most likely refers to the same woman who does not want to sweat. Nothing compares to being on a treadmill and getting a spray of highly active chemical roses in your face from a passing lady. It's simply rude to immerse yourself in fragrance and go to a public place, but it's especially ugly to go to the gym like that, where people often have to experience oxygen starvation. And some people are especially sensitive to perfumes and other chemicals. They may have adverse reactions to odors and become ill. Be careful! Love roses at home.
#4: Trying not to sweat. No matter how glamorous divas you are, this is the gym! Sweating is a natural healthy process. Don't worry about eye makeup. And anyway - why do you apply it? You're here for training, not dating, right?
No. 5: Attempt to reduce the waist by overloading the abdominals. How many times have you walked into the gym and seen women diligently doing crunches, hanging leg raises, side bends, ball crunches, oblique crunches, and other abdominal exercises known to mankind? Yes, some men love to do it too. So many people still believe they can make their waist smaller by overworking their abs. For those of you who are not in the know, we inform you that it is impossible to reduce the layer of belly fat by training the abdominal muscles (abs). You can give the illusion of a tighter belly as the underlying muscle takes shape, but you can't reduce the fat itself with crunches. To reduce the layer of belly fat, you should follow a healthy diet and do cardio workouts. Ab training a maximum of 2-3 times a week will help you achieve a sexy look when the fat is gone.
#6: Incorrect Wide Grip Vertical Row Technique. There are many technical mistakes made by men and women in the gym, but many women make the same mistake in one particular exercise: the wide grip vertical row. Key word in this

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