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What should I do after drinking, before going to bed, so that in the morning it would not be so bad? Tips from the bartender

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If the evening is too fun, then nothing good can be expected from the morning. The company of friends and alcohol is a clear sign that the hangover syndrome will not keep you waiting, which means that a couple of uncomfortable hours in the morning are provided.

If you understand what I'm talking about, then read on. Here are a couple of tips on how to alleviate a hangover in the morning.

Take care of yourself in the evening

If you are surrounded by an abundance of alcohol, and you are guessing about the upcoming morning agony, prepare for them from yesterday. A large amount of water will help alleviate suffering in the morning. Drink water between toasts, preferably mineral water. The liquid will remove some of the alcohol from the body, and in the morning you will not be so thirsty.

By the way, before the party you should eat well. Drinking on an empty stomach is fraught with severe intoxication. Hearty meals will not allow alcohol to immediately enter the bloodstream, which means you will have a chance to control yourself.

Choose meat dishes, or foods high in protein, such foods take longer to digest. And please, less bread. In the stomach, bread absorbs alcohol like a sponge, and then gradually gives it away, and now you are drunk again!

extreme measures

If the party dragged on, and in the morning you definitely need to be in shape, gastric lavage will come to the rescue.

Do not rush to the hospital, a bathroom in your water is enough. Drink a couple glasses of water and induce vomiting.

Yes, it’s not the most pleasant experience, but you can quickly get rid of excess alcohol only by clearing your stomach. After operation "x", drink water, and lie down to rest. Gastric lavage will not erase all hangover symptoms, but it will definitely be easier in the morning.

Water procedures early in the morning

Do you need to rush to work, but you don’t have the strength after libations? A contrast shower will help. Gather your strength and get to the bathroom. Hot and cold water in the shower will help to cheer up, and help clear the haze in front of your eyes. Do not be zealous with hot water, you can provoke a pressure surge, which is not uncommon after alcohol.

By the way, the shower will help to cope with the fumes. Contrary to popular belief that the fumes come from the stomach, the body removes the smell of alcohol decay products through the lungs and skin. So soap will help you to hide the trail of fun gatherings.

First, second, compote can not be given

Food will help you gather strength during a hangover. Of course, if you are not healthy at all, then leave tomorrow for later.

A bowl of hot meat broth helps to recover well: it’s good for the stomach, and it’s easier for you. No broth, cook scrambled eggs. Eggs are high in protein, which helps your liver process everything you drink.

If you don’t have the strength to cook scrambled eggs, drink hot strong tea. You should not drink coffee in the morning, it dehydrates, and the body after alcohol, oh, how it needs water. Cola helps a lot. It seems that this drink has such a large scope of application that it should be taken into space.

Miser pays twice

If you have fun in the evening and work in the morning, take care of yourself. Cheap liquor is often so low quality that it can cause both hangovers and poisoning.

Do not save on health, and get alcohol of decent quality. Of course, few people think about it, but it is better to drink less good drink than a lot of swill from under the counter. Better alcohol - a fresh head in the morning. And yes! Do not mix drinks of different strengths, the consequences of such cocktails are almost impossible to eliminate in the morning.

Be healthy!


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