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We clean stainless steel dishes from grease and soot: minimum effort - maximum effect!

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I want to share with you a great way to remove a layer of fat and carbon deposits from stainless steel cookware. This method was found on the Internet and repeatedly tested on our own experience. Now you do not have to rub hard and scrape even old, strongly ingrained dirt, and the dishes will shine again!

So, to clean stainless steel dishes, we need the most common means: vinegar and soda, as well as a capacious container with a lid: a saucepan, an enameled basin or bucket, boiling water. In this container, we will boil the contaminated kitchen utensils.

Let's start removing contaminants

  • Pour warm water into a container, pour soda, stir well, then add vinegar.

The proportion of the solution: 1 spoon of soda and 1 bed of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

  • We immerse any contaminated dishes in a solution of soda and vinegar: a pot, a kettle, a bowl, a frying pan, or several items of kitchen utensils at once, unless, of course, the container is roomy enough. We close the lid.

Important! The dishes must be completely covered with water.

  • We put the container on the fire, bring the water to a boil. Boil for 15 - 30 minutes, the duration depends on how heavily soiled the dishes are. We turn off the fire.

Important! Painted stainless steel cookware should not be boiled, the paint will crack and peel off.

  • Carefully remove the boiled dishes from the container and remove the remnants of contaminants under running water using a foam rubber sponge.

Such boiling in a solution of soda and vinegar breaks down fat and soot well. After that, the remnants of dirt are removed from the dishes without any effort! No detergents needed either!

Now your dishes are shining again! 


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