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Many of us know how useful activated charcoal is, understand how and why it should be used, but this is not entirely true. What most people don't know is that this medical product can do more than just eliminate toxins from the body. We present the whole list of problems that activated charcoal solves. Do you know what activated charcoal is capable of? Hold: the full list of ways to use it
Remedy for bloating and flatulence
All people know what gases are. The average person passes gases 14 times a day. This phenomenon is considered completely normal.
However, if for one reason or another you began to be tormented by flatulence, or bloating, accompanied by sharp pains, activated charcoal will come to the rescue.
Based on the latest research by American scientists, taking activated charcoal before meals significantly reduces the volume of intestinal gases.
Charcoal can lower cholesterol
Elevated levels of cholesterol in the body increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 100%.
One study found that people who took 8 grams of activated charcoal daily for one month lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol levels by over 40 percent, while increasing "good" cholesterol levels by nearly 10%.
And why use all sorts of statins with their side effects?!
Charcoal promotes kidney health
Some of the readers probably do not know that our kidneys cleanse about 115-140 liters of blood every day, from which 1-2 liters of urine is produced, consisting of waste and excess fluid.
In combination with the liver, the kidneys are considered the most perfect cleansing system known to man in nature.
But by eating sugar, salt, various preservatives, animal fats and proteins, you can cause various diseases and kidney failure.
And what about activated charcoal? Despite the fact that it removes urinary toxins and other urea from the body, which the kidneys produce in the process of blood purification.
Many food poisonings can be quickly cured with charcoal.
Do you know what activated charcoal is capable of? Hold: the full list of ways to use it
Food poisoning is one of the most common occurrences worldwide. According to analysts' research, over 48 million cases of food poisoning are recorded in the US alone.
Activated charcoal is one of the most effective and inexpensive treatments for food poisoning. If you take the remedy in the first stages of poisoning, when vomiting, panos, abdominal pain appear, then with a high degree of probability you will be able to avoid serious consequences and lost days in which and above the toilet, since coal should remove toxic substances that are the causes of these symptoms.
The rapid elimination of toxins makes this versatile remedy an excellent remedy for food poisoning.
Skin cleansing application
Every day, the pores of our skin, especially in the areas of the face, are clogged with grease and dirt, which greatly ages the appearance of any person. Unfortunately, almost all skin cleansing cosmetics are based on non-natural chemicals.
Activated charcoal, like a magnet or a pump, sucks out any dirt and oil from the pores, after which the skin becomes soft, clean, and silky!
A tool that makes any hair luxurious
We are talking about the same toxins, fats and dirt that clog the pores of the skin, making the appearance of a person greasy.
With activated charcoal, you can easily and quickly clean the hair follicles, giving them an elegant look, expressed in silkiness and shine.
This remedy differs from shampoos in that the latter, as a rule, consist of toxic chemical elements, and coal is a purely natural substance.
How easy is it to whiten your teeth?
I bet if you don’t have it, then you can find it - a Hollywood snow-white smile? Moreover, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money on this, visiting expensive clinics with ultra-modern doctors.
You just need to douse your toothbrush with activated charcoal and brush your teeth, and do this 2-3 times a week.
The drug does an excellent job of cleaning tooth enamel, separating microparticles from it, which are the basis of plaque.
Always a pleasant breath
This is especially true for people who suffer from this problem!
Charcoal is not only a super effective deodorant, it also helps to bring the acid-base balance back to normal levels. Thanks to this, both teeth and gums will be reliably protected from bacteria that cause various oral diseases.
Brush your teeth with a brush sprinkled with activated charcoal and do it without any embarrassment or fear that your teeth will remain black, because. the substance is easily rinsed out with plain water.
Are you afraid of aging prematurely? Coal Help!
Activated charcoal also solves this problem. It promotes rejuvenation, giving the skin a fresh look, hair - chic and shine, teeth - whiteness.
However, the most interesting thing is that scientists have proven that if you take coal regularly, all toxins and toxins that harm the body as a whole and specific organs separately will come out of the body. At the same time, this black substance actively destroys cells that contribute to premature aging of the body.
Do you know what activated charcoal is capable of? Hold: the full list of ways to use it
Had a hangover? Activated charcoal to the rescue
Drinkers can also benefit from the substance in question. In this case, we are talking about hangover prevention. Probably almost every adult citizen at least once in his life experienced the brunt of the consequences of violent drinking the day before.
However, activated charcoal has a wonderful property. It can relieve you of headaches, nausea and other common hangovers. By taking charcoal before the alcohol starts to enter the body, the next morning you will feel like nothing happened yesterday.
This is achieved through the rapid elimination of by-products.
Charcoal helps to quickly and effectively cleanse the digestive system
As you know, today fruit and vegetables containing pesticides, meat with growth hormones, drinking water with chemical elements are sold on the shelves. Modern life puts forward unprecedentedly toxic conditions for life.
But everything would be fine, however, after a significant amount of all these harmful elements accumulate in your digestive system, the inflammatory process will begin and you will clearly feel a breakdown.
In order to always have good health and vigorous well-being, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the digestive tract, and activated charcoal is an indispensable assistant in this.