
8 Newborn Care Rules Every Parent Should Know

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Just as a newborn brings joy, parents have a huge responsibility. New parents usually go through bumpy rides when caring for a baby, which is associated with issues such as lack of sleep, soothing the baby, and feeding. Be prepared for drastic changes in your lifestyle and remember that your little one's first giggle makes your fight worth it.

1. How to hold a baby

When our babies are first handed over to us, most of us don't yet know how to hold them. There is always a fear, especially for first parents, that you are not holding that tiny, little baby right. And it is very important that you handle it with care.

The neck of the child is the thinnest, and when you take your hand out from under it, you should keep your hand under your head. Since the child cannot physically support his head on his own, it is your job to always hold the child in your arms - one hand under the head and the other under the hips.

You should also be careful with the "fontanelle" on the newborn's head. Touching it should be avoided. For maximum protection and to make your baby feel safe, always hold him close to your chest.

2. How mothers should take care of themselves in the first 30 days

The first thirty days are the most important. As far as you think, you experience, just like a baby who sees the world for the first time. During this time, it is important for the mother to take care of herself so that she can take the best care of the baby.

It is recommended that new moms eat well and properly, especially if they are breastfeeding. Sleep is another big problem that new mothers face. It is usually recommended that they sleep when their baby sleeps. This will ensure you get enough sleep.

3. How to swaddle a baby

Proper swaddling is the key to a calm baby. First, fold the sheet into a diamond shape. Fold the top corner over and place the baby on the sheet. Pull one side of the sheet across the child's chest, tucking the corner under the arm. Now take the bottom of the sheet, fold it over your legs and tuck it over your shoulders.

Then pull the rest of the sheet across the baby's chest and tuck it under the baby. After swaddling properly, hold your baby close to your breast. Since the baby is now quite comfortable, he should fall asleep faster.

4. How to breastfeed your baby

Breastfeeding is very important, especially in the first few days. This can be an obstacle for the mother and sometimes for the child. Since milk is the only source of food and nutrition for a baby in the first days of life, it is important to be adamant about technique until you are successful at breastfeeding.

As simple as it sounds, sometimes it can be difficult. New mothers can face many problems such as poor latch, low milk supply, overly demanding baby, and breast infections. There are many types you can use for breastfeeding (see the picture above) and you should choose the one that is most comfortable for you and your baby. If you have a sleepy newborn who tends to get tired during suckling and fall asleep, we have advice for you to simply tickle your baby's feet while breastfeeding to keep him awake. This ensures that he does not fall asleep on an empty stomach.

5. Belching and administering CPR to the child

Spitting up is important for keeping a baby comfortable, especially in the first few months. The burping baby, in turn, eats well and sleeps well. To make the baby burp, hold him on your chest with his chin resting on your shoulder. Remember to support his head and shoulders. Now gently rub or pat his back until he burps.

Another way to burp a baby is face down on your knees. While the baby is on your feet, support their chin and jaw with your hands to keep their head slightly higher so blood doesn't rush to the head. Now, stroke your back to make the baby burp.

In an emergency, if you feel the baby is choking, you can also place the baby in the same face-down position that you used to burp. The correct method to answer this is to first do chest thrusts - 5 times using only 2 fingers. Then, slaps on the back until the child starts to cough. Remember that the baby is small and that you don't want to hit or push too hard.

Coughing is an indicator that the object has moved out of the air path.

6. How to give a massage to a child

Massage is usually done on newborns to make their bones and muscles stronger. The first rule is not to do this before or after feeding. To give a successful baby massage, follow these steps: Lay the baby on a towel or sheet on a comfortable surface like a bed and start massaging with vegetable oil. Start with the legs, then the arms, then the chest, and finally the baby's back.

Massage not only soothes, but also strengthens the child. An added bonus is the bond that is created with the baby during these daily massages.

7. How to bathe a baby

Any new parent is nervous about bathing their child. There is always some level of apprehension when it comes to bathing a newborn. It is important to note that newborns only need a sponge bath during the first week of their lives. It is suggested to wait until the umbilical cord dries up and falls off on its own to start with a regular bath.

Remember that this is just an occasional bath, which means you don't have to bathe your baby daily. Also, check the water temperature before putting the baby in and never leave the baby unattended.

8. How to get your baby to sleep

The first few days are especially hard when it comes to baby sleep. Parents usually do their best to force the child to sleep at this time. Coming out of a dark cozy womb, the first step for a child to learn about the new world and how people sleep here is a pattern of light. Try to keep the room lit during the day and dim at night. This will help the child understand the difference between day and night.

Your "almost sleeping" baby may look cute to you, and you may be tempted to kiss him or talk to them. But this is not a good decision. This can signal to the child that you are ready to play with them and, in turn, wake them up. Another expert advice is to be patient until the child has received a complete sleep training.

author Women's Magazine


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