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12 exercises for slender legs and elastic buttocks

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Alex Silver-Fagan, a Nike trainer, believes that to get a beautiful shape of the legs and buttocks, you need to do squats. It is convenient to combine these exercises with other workouts or perform a separate complex. They are simple, you can do them at home, and they take no more than 15 minutes. The general recommendation, as always, is the same: exercise every day.

For convenience, we have attached a training plan for the week. Have fun and watch for pleasant changes.

1. Classic squats

Start with squats familiar from childhood.

2. Side Squats

The abduction of the leg will include the buttocks in the work.

3. Squats "sumo"

This squat simultaneously strengthens the core and buttocks.

4. Sumo squats with arm raises

This squat will add elements of cardio training.

5. Squats with training oblique muscles of the press

Your waist will thank you.

6. Jumping from a sitting position

By doing this exercise, you will strengthen your arm muscles at the same time.

7. Squats in the "legs together" position

Warm-up preparatory exercise before the "pistol".

8. Pistol Squats

This difficult exercise can be performed with support to begin with.

9. Curtsy Squats

This exercise simultaneously involves many muscle groups.

10. Single leg squats

This exercise noticeably strengthens the calves, thighs and buttocks.

11. Side step squats

This exercise is also called the “burning butt”, because the muscles in it are as tense as possible.

12. Jump Squats

This exercise allows the muscles to rest after the previous static pose, flushes out lactic acid and adds cardio.

Weekly workout plan:

  1. Classic squats - 10 times.
    Squats with legs abducted to the side - 5 times on each leg.
    Repeat the whole complex.
  2. Squats "sumo" - 10 times.
    Squats with arms raised - 10 times.
    Repeat the whole complex.
  3. Squats with training oblique muscles of the press - 5 times on each leg.
    Jumping from a sitting position - 10 times.
    Repeat the whole complex.
  4. Squats in the "legs together" position - 10 times.
    Pistol Squat – 5 reps per leg.
    Repeat the whole complex.
  5. Curtsy Squats - 5 reps per leg.
    Squats on one leg - 5 times on each leg.
    Repeat the whole complex.
  6. Squats with step to the side - 5 times on each leg.
    Jump squats - 10 reps.
    Repeat the whole complex.
  7. Squats "sumo" - 10 times.
    Squats with training oblique muscles of the press - 5 times on each leg.
    Repeat the whole complex.


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