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Here are 11 strange signs of a person that indicate temperament in the bedroom.
1. You drink a lot of wine
A 2009 study by the University of Florence in Italy found that women who drink two glasses of wine a day are better in bed and more sexually satisfied than those who don't. A good reason to drink more often, isn't it?
2. Your favorite ice cream is coffee
There are so many types of ice cream in the world, but if you find yourself buying coffee all the time, it definitely speaks to your sexual prowess. A 2013 study at the Institute of Smell and Taste in Chicago found that if you like ice cream with coffee, it's a sign that you're a person who lives in the moment, and that makes you a great sex partner.
3. You are funny
If you can tell a good joke or can laugh at yourself, you are good in bed. A recent study found that people who laugh a lot make great lovers.
4. You are smart
According to a 2009 study by Professor Tim Spector at King's College London, smart women are better in bed than those who aren't overly intellectually burdened. A study of 2,000 women aged 20 to 65 found that people with higher intelligence had "twice as many orgasms" as those who weren't as smart.
5. You eat slowly
When people eat slowly, it means they enjoy every bite. Not surprisingly, this behavior overlaps with activities in the bedroom. If you take your time with food, there is a good chance that you will also have sex.
6. You know what you want to eat
Since food and sex have something in common in getting sensual pleasure and satisfaction, if you know what you want to order and eat, this is another indicator that you are good in bed. Assertiveness is combined with confidence and knowing what you want. Again, this is what happens in sex with you as well.
7. You are an ardent lover of politics
Politics is a great hobby. According to the Matching 2016 "Singles in America" study, those who follow political events have better sex than those who do not know what is happening in this area. The study also showed that the more you are interested in politics, the more orgasms you have.
8. You dance well
The dance style reveals the confidence and sociality of a person. Also, some styles of dance are very sexy in and of themselves.
9. You are comfortable naked
Whether at home with your partner or at the gym surrounded by strangers, if you're perfectly comfortable with being naked, it's a sign that you're good in bed. Research has shown that when a woman is comfortable with herself and her body, her sexual satisfaction increases.
10. You are left-handed
Apparently, only 12% of the world's population is left-handed, and if you are one of them, you are in luck. LELO's 2014 Global Sex Survey found that 86% of left-handed people are "extremely satisfied" sexually and only 15% of right-handed people can report such an exciting fact.
11. You love eye contact.
Maintaining eye contact during a conversation is not easy. When you look at someone for too long, you feel uncomfortable and look away. However, if you manage to hold back, this is a great indicator.